How To Join Two Wood Pieces End To End 1

How To Join Two Wood Pieces End To End


Do you have problems connecting wood pieces together? Effective wood joining methods can considerably raise the aesthetic value and structural integrity of your wood project. This can be challenging if you’re not a professional. But there’s no need for further concern because you’ll learn how to join two pieces of wood end to end.

What You’ll Need to Follow This Tutorial

One important thing to remember is that you should have the appropriate tools and skills to accomplish this task for the best results. The gears and tools you need include gloves, face mask, goggles, hammer and chisel, saw blade, and wood pieces. The work environment should be airtight because you do not want the wind to blow dirt and sawdust all over your house.

What is the Wood Joining Techniques

1. Plywood or Metal Strap

This is considered the simplest method to connect the woods and the appearance is not highly important.

All you need to do is grab wood planks then lay it sideways along the wood pieces. Next, glue or nail the plank onto the surfaces of the wood pieces. This will work as long as you’re able to manage to keep the wood pieces close together. This is very simple and it saves money in the long run.

Plywood Or Metal Strap Step 1 1

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The thickness of the plank that needs to be connected highly depends on the condition of the wood pieces.

Plywood Or Metal Strap Step 2 1

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Make sure that the plank is able to support the wood pieces weight. Make sure to work on a flat surface. Also, pressing the pieces against each other leaves no gap. Next, drill the holes. This is done to drive the nails in. If you’re planning to use a glue, you can use something so the plank is pressed down. Just wait for a couple of hours for bonding the glue before you handle the pieces again.

Plywood Or Metal Strap Step 3 1

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2. Make a hole then screw the wood pieces together.

This is a fast way of attaching the wood pieces end to end. By keeping the hole hidden, the joining is barely felt. However, you need to drill multiple holes for securing the joining properly. This is a long-term solution and best used when combining this with other joining methods.

It is important to test this out. Just lay the pieces side by side. Drilling an angled hole on one wood piece toward another is essential. The hole stopped barely prior it reaches out the piece entirely.

Make A Hole Then Screw The Wood Pieces Together Step 1 1

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Drive a wood screw through the hole and the wood screw will go all the way to the other wood piece. Drive the screw until you feel the wood pieces are connected firmly.

Make A Hole Then Screw The Wood Pieces Together Step 2 1

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3. Using a Spline

This is a bit complicated method. It is used to increase the internal strength of the wood joining.

The first step is using a saw blade to make a groove on both wood pieces. The groove stays in the middle of each wood piece. The width and the length of the grooves highly depend on the wood pieces dimensions.

Using A Spline Step 1 1

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Once you’re done drilling sets of similar holes, you need to pour glue on the doweling jigs. Show them promptly into the holes and press the wood pieces against each other until the glue dries.

Using A Spline Step 2 1

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4. Half-lap Joint

This is a simple, strong, and attractive method of joining wood pieces end to end. Making the wood pieces overlap is important because the more the pieces overlap, the stronger the wood joint. A saw blade is used here.

Half Lap Joint Step 1 1

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One wood piece is sawed of its upper half of and the other at the lower half. Clamp the wood pieces together to check if they make a good fit. Do the necessary adjustments using a glue.

Half Lap Joint Step 2 1

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Whenever you’re working on a wood project, it should be beautiful and strong. By knowing how to join two wood pieces end to end, woodworking should be very easy. It is not that difficult to do it as long as you have the right tools and follow the steps above. Just pay close attention and stay alert at all times. Have you enjoyed reading and learning in this post? Great! You may want to share it and give your comment below.
