How To Get Oil Stains Out Of Wood

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Wood


If you are one who those individuals who are looking for an effective way on how to get oil stains out of wood, then this article is definitely for you. Oil stains can ruin the beauty and the quality of your wood items or furniture. Removing these oil stains can be a little tricky, especially if you do not conduct online research.

In order for you to maintain the beauty and quality of your wood furniture, it is essential that you follow these guidelines. The materials used in this guidelines are very easy to find. There is no need for you to spend too much money just to get rid of oil stains out of wood.

Materials Needed

  • Paper towel
  • Rubber gloves
  • Detergent
  • Warm Water
  • Soft brush
  • Baking Soda
  • Bowl


1) Gather all materials

Gather All Materials

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First of all, you need to make sure first that you have everything you need before you start getting rid of oil stains out of wood. Gathering the materials can help you save a lot of time and it can make the work a lot efficient.

2) Soak the oil stain with a paper towel

Soak The Oil Stain With A Paper Towel

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After successfully gathering all the materials, the next thing that you need to do is to soak up the oil stain with a paper towel. Of course, you have to make sure that the paper towel is clean. It is advisable that you treat oil stains on wood as soon as they occur.

You need to soak up the oil with a paper towel as fast as you can in order to prevent the oil from sinking deep into the wood surface, which then makes the stain harder to remove.

Firmly press the paper towels and make sure that you have soaked up the oil. It is wise that you wear rubber gloves when doing this step. You want to prevent skin irritation due to oil or chemical.

3) Mix the soap with warm water

Mix The Soap With Warm Water

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You will then get a detergent and a bowl. Make sure that you mix the detergent with some warm water in the bowl. You can mix it using your hands in order to create soapsuds.

4) Clean the area with oil stain

Clean The Area With Oil Stain

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After making a detergent mixture, the next thing that you need to do is to clean the wood area with oil stain. This is where you use a clean cloth and make sure that you soak it with soapsuds.

Rub the soapsuds into the affected area. It is essential that you are careful when rubbing the wood surface. You want to make sure that your wood will not have scratches or marks caused by harsh rubbing.

5) Use a soft brush

Use A Soft Brush

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If the oil stain is absorbed deeply on the wood’s surface, then use a soft brush. You need to avoid using harsh brushes such as a steel brush.

6) Rinse wood with clean water

Rinse Wood With Clean Water

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After rubbing soap, you will then need to rinse the wood with a clean water. Don’t leave the soap without rinsing it. Again, use a clean damp cloth when trying to rinse the soap. This should remove all residue.

7) Dry wood with a clean towel

Dry Wood With A Clean Towel

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You will then pat the wood dry, with a dry towel. It is very important that you remove the moisture out from the wood. Make sure that you also air dry the wood. Don’t let the wood stay moist for days since this can attract mold.

8) Check your work

Check Your Work 1

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Once the wood is already dry, the next thing that you need to do is to check and see if the oil stains are still there. If you don’t see any oil stains anymore, then congratulations, your job is done. But if you still see some stains, then proceed to step 9.

9) Using baking soda

Using Baking Soda 1

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If you notice that the oil stains are still present on the wood, then it is time for you to pour an absorbent powder such as baking soda. Make sure that you are baking soda at least a quarter of an inch thick over the stain.

10) Leave it for several hours

Leave It For Several Hours

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It is necessary that you leave the baking soda powder overnight or for several hours.

11) Use a vacuum

Use A Vacuum

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After a few hours, you will then sweep or vacuum the powder.

12) Repeat the process

Repeat The Process

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If you can still see some stains, then repeat the process again. By doing this, you will surely be able to get rid of oil stains successfully.


Getting rid of oil stains out of wood is not a complicated task. All you have to do is follow these instructions and you will surely be able to appreciate the beauty and the quality of your wood items or furniture.

Also, don’t forget to ask for advice from the people around you who have tried getting rid of oil stains out of wood before.