How To Remove Wood Stain From Carpet

How To Remove Wood Stain From Carpet


Keep your carpet free of any stains and clean is a challenge challenging task. Many homeowners fail to pass the challenge on a daily basis, so it’s important to know how to remove a stain from a carpet that can take away all its grandeur and beauty.

Wood stains are among the most stubborn carpet stains. The situation gets more complicated if you’re dealing with oil-based wood stains or old furniture stains.

In this article, we will help you with different ways to get the stain out of your carpet.

What You Will Need to Follow This Tutorial

You’ll need a clean water, stain remover, absorbent towel, paper towels, and other cleaning agents.

How to Get Rid of Oil-based Carpet Wood Stain

Step #1

The first thing you need to do is to check the care instructions on the commercial carpet stain remover you are planning to use if you are dealing with oil-based stains. Make sure that all ingredients mentioned on the label are suitable for your carpet type based on the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step #2

Pour a stain remover on the stained area then let it sit for about 15 to 20 minutes to help loosen all the stain particles for easier stain removal.

Step #3

Soak a clean cloth in a warm water and make sure to remove the excess water before rubbing the area gently using a circular motion. Use another clean and damp cloth so the stained area is covered and then iron it on a low heat.

Step #4

Use a carpet steamer so you can steam the stained area that you’ve cleaned. In a clean cloth, pour some acetone and use it in blotting the stained area until you the stain completely disappear.

Use A Carpet Steamer

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How to Remove Water-based Carpet Wood Stain

Step #1

It’s generally impossible completely removing a wood stain from a carpet without a spot or stain left behind. To figure out how to get the wood stain out of a carpet, one important factor you need to consider is the solvent type of wood stain is based. It is easier to remove a water-based wood stain.

Step #2

You can simply use clean water so the stain is diluted and blot it with a clean absorbent towel.

Simply Use Clean Water

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Step #3

Finally, vacuum the stained carpet area with a dry steam to achieve a clean look.

How to Remove Old Furniture Wood Stains From Carpet

Step #1

Because we are dealing with old stains, it is important to suck away the dry particles. You can prepare a carpet cleaning solution. Just simply mix a liquid dishwashing soap and warm water (1 cup).

Step #2

Do a patch test in a small area of the carpet. Use a clean cloth and apply the prepared cleaning mix to the stained area. Let it sit for at five minutes.

How To Remove Wood Stain From Carpet

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Step #3

Don’t rub the stain harshly because it will just set the stain deeper into your carpet which can also damage the carpet fibers. Using an absorbent and clean towel, blot the affected area and repeat the process so the stain doesn’t transfer at all.

Step #4

Once the wood stain is totally removed, the area is covered with a clean and white paper towel for excess moisture to be absorbed. Place a non-staining and heavy object on it. Let it rest for 24 hours or overnight and the next morning, you can vacuum the carpet treated area so the texture of the carpet is regained.

Tips and Tricks

  1. If you’ve spilled a large amount of wood stain, it will soak the carpet and may never come out or removed completely.
  2. Before the wood stain sets longer on the carpet and starts to dry, blot the area using paper towels as much as you can.
  3. Mix 1/4 cup of ammonia,1 tsp of liquid dishwashing soap, and 2 cups of warm water.
  4. Use a clean cloth or a sponge to dip into the solution. Blot the affected area on your carpet, working outside of the carpet stain toward the center.
  5. Remove all traces of solution using a second cloth that is dipped in plain water.


A small amount of wood stain on your carpet is manageable using a stain remover and soap and water solution. However, for large carpet stains, you may need a professional to help you.

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