Looking for a laminated wood as a countertop at home but you can’t find anywhere else that suits your taste? Do you have the urge of making your own instead of buying? Then you are in the right spot. In this article, you will know how to simply laminate a wood like a pro. I will teach you the step by step process in just a piece of cake.
We are going to divide the steps of laminating a countertop into three easy way. The laminate is a multipurpose material and learning how to apply is a skillful way to have. Steps include measuring, cutting and laminating. Looks easier than you think, isn’t it? Then let’s get started!
What You Will Need to Follow This Tutorial
- Safety gloves
- Goggles
- Cutting Saw
- J-roller
- Trim router
- Short Neck Ruler
- Tape measure
- Contact Cement Paint Brush
- Laminate
- ½ inch wood dowels and Xylene
- Foam
- Sandpaper
You may use the small roller for the edges and big roller for the big surface of the area to lessen the job. We have all the materials ready, we are now ready to roll!
Credit Image: dhresource.com
Step by Step Instruction to Laminate the Wood
Step 1: Measure how much laminate that you need
Start by measuring the laminate that you only need. When you are already ready to cut, put the laminate facing the surface on a piece of foam to cut the exact sizes that you want. The use of the foam is to have a flat surface while trimming the material.
Credit Image: lowes.com
Step 2: Attach the Laminate to the Wood
We are now ready to laminate and attach it to the side. Glide on the contact cement by following the adhesive instructions on the can. As soon as the cement is ready, we can now proceed to the next step.
A good tip to know if the cement is ready is by touching the craft paper on to the cement, if it leaves the paper clean, then we are ready to go. Carefully attach the laminate to the surface because once you touch the surface, you can no longer reposition it.
Using the j-roller, slowly lean with an ample pressure to attached the laminate securely. If there are excess, you can always use the trim roller to cut it.
Do the same thing to all the sides of the countertop. For the big surface area, use the wood dowels on top of the wood before putting the laminate to properly position it, then slowly take the dowels carefully.
Credit Image: cdn2.tmbi.com
Step 3: Sand up sharp edges and clean up the excess glue with Xylene
This is the final and last thing to do, sand up any excess sharp edges using the sandpaper then clean the excess glue with xylene to make it neat as possible.
Credit Image: hcsupplies.co.uk
Then there we have it, a countertop that is sleek and customized by our choice. We are now ready to use it and brag it to our guests on certain occasions. Did you find this exciting and doable? Comment down below for your thoughts and ideas for our references. And don’t forget to like and share this article!