Woodworking is not an easy task. With many tools to find and keep safe, clamps are a big deal.
Clamps come in different sizes to help you make the most of your woodworking project. With that in mind, it is also true that not all of us have access to the right tools for wood projects.
While clamps are not expensive, some of us find it hard to get the right one for all projects. A professional woodworker would have possibly every size available for wood clamps. But for an enthusiast who does not build much, purchasing varied sizes of clamps doesn’t make sense.
And it is because of this reason alone that you will need to find alternatives. So, if you find yourself asking how to glue wood together without clamps, then this is the article for you.
Steps on How to glue wood together without clamps
Before we get into what you will need and the steps, remember there are tons of creative ways to make clamps at home. We will list out an easy-to-use method first in a step-by-step manner, and then we will list some creative methods to use instead of clamps to glue wood together.
Here is what you will need:
- Glued wood.
- Cardboard scarps.
- Scissors.
- Caulking gun.
Step 1: Preparing the glued wood

The first step is to glue your wood. This method works the best for smaller objects and projects, which is generally difficult with wood clamps.
That being said, you simply need to glue the wood together and move on to the next step of how to glue wood together without clamps.
Step 2: Using the cardboard

Next, you need to use the cardboard to add some cushion to the sides of the wood project you have.
Using the caulking gun without a cushion will leave marks on the wood. These could also become ugly dents.
So, cut a few pieces of cardboard and fit them on the sides of the project. Remember, you should try to gauge where the caulk gun’s mouth will be. In other words, the area you’d clamp, that’s where you need to add the cushion.
Step 3: Using the Caulking gun

For the final step of how to glue wood together without clamps with a caulking gun, you have to fit the mouth of the gun on the wood.
Ensure that the mouth’s ends are aligned with the cardboard scraps. Once you’re sure that the gun is secure, use the handle to fit the gun. Then leave it there.
Wait for the glue to dry. Once you’re sure that the glue is dry, come back and unscrew the caulking gun.
Other methods for How to glue wood together without clamps
A caulking gun is an easy substitute for wood clamps. The thing is, caulking guns offer you a similar kind of pressure when compared to wood clamps.
But what if you don’t have a caulking gun and you need an alternative to wood clamps when you’re gluing wood? Well, here are some creative methods to try out:
Rubber bands
Making use of rubber bands to secure the glued areas is a common method. All you have to do is, add a block of wood to the edges, the parts where you will use a rubber band. Make sure that you hollow the area out in the wooden block you’ll add as support.
Consider the role of the hollowed-out wooden block as the role of cardboard scraps in the above steps. Then simply use the rubber bands to apply pressure.
A pair of pliers
If you’re adventurous enough, you’d realize that practically anything can be used as a clamp. All you need to do is find a pair of pliers and a rubber band.
Next, you just need to use the mouth of the pliers to secure the glued wood together. Once you do that, you can tie the rubber band around the handle of the pliers. This will help in securing the pliers in place.
A masking tape
Large wooden objects are easier to clamp and glue. But when it comes to the smaller objects, clamping them together is not easy.
To glue small wooden objects without clamps, you can make use of masking tape. A masking tape will easily go around the object. Also, masking tape’s adhesive is not coarse, which is why it won’t make the surface rough.
Masking tapes to glue wood together is a good method to create sturdy joints.
A smart what to go about how to glue wood together without clamps, is to apply weights on the surface of the wood.
All you need to do is, lay the wooden object down. After that, all you need to do is add weights on top. Ensure that the edges are covered with masking tape or regular tape.
Taping the areas where you applied glue will help you to ensure that the glue does not come out and drip.
Instead of using weights, you can use any kind of heavy objects, including but not limited to, books, bottles filled with water or sand, paint cans, cement blocks, etc.
Bungee Cords
You can make use of bungee cords to tie the glued pieces of wood together. This method is good for big structures.
You can use these to ensure that the surface has enough pressure. When you tie the cord around, ensure that the knot is firm.
You don’t have to worry about fancy knots. Focus on securing the glued wooden pieces instead of the knots.
To be honest, trying to find the best method on how to glue wood together without clamps, is not an easy task.
Simply put, glues do not have enough adhesion to make the wood blocks stick to each other without pressure. And despite being creative, there’s always a chance that the pressure is imbalanced, which means your wood project may not be as strong as it should be.
The easiest recommendation would be to purchase a budget wood clamp. You don’t need an expensive one to get the job done. A wood clamp will help you out in your wood projects. It will make your work easier as well.