Are you searching for some woodworking projects that you want to make and want to sell as well? In other words, you are looking for some woodworking projects that sell the most and can make a great profit for you.
You may or may not get the answer to your question till now and of course, it’s not that easy to answer this question. If you already have any woodworking projects that you are passionate about, then that’s great. We are also presenting 32 great woodworking projects that sell the most and make you some profit.
1) Build a Storage Bed

There are many different bed plans of various sizes you can find on different sites on the internet. Many of them can also be modified to make you able that you can get the exact look and size you want. Our first woodworking project is also about such a Bed plan that is elegant and you can also modify the plan if you want. A queen sized storage bed plan, which makes you able to build a big project of storage bed that can sell the most and make you some profit.
Build this Queen sized storage bed and pair it with your favorite headboard for a functional and attractive storage piece. This trendy storage bed looks adorable in the room, you can also modify it this bed with your choice. You don’t need to be a professional woodworker, only a few basics of woodworking can be enough to DIY this project. We are including source tutorial link as well as a video tutorial, so that you can take some help.
The source tutorial for this DIY project include directions for building this queen sized storage bed, photos, and diagrams.We hope that this tutorial will help you to illustrate the step by step process of building this bed.
Luckily, we also managed to include a video tutorial on this project. Some readers usually prefer to watch video tutorials instead of source tutorials, for those, this video will get them help better. Also for the others, this video will help them in a great way.
2) Build an Outdoor Sofa

Maybe, there is nothing ever better than enjoying a summer evening while lounging on a comfortable patio sofa. It may be costly to get that patio sofa, but hand-made furniture is anything but cheap. You don’t need a long list of materials and tools to complete some projects. You can build your own sofa in a day or maybe a day and a half. You can use some pallets in this project.
A patio sofa is everything you need in your patio in summer. We previously added some tutorials to similar sofa projects, but those projects were about indoor sofa DIYs. This time for this version we beefed up the size of the wood and connected everything with the help of lag screws instead of glue, nails, and biscuits. You need to place some cushions for your sofa and place them on the sofa which makes it look elegant.
We are including a source tutorial for this project in the link below. This tutorial includes detailed instructions of step by step process of this project. Ana white presents this DIY tutorial. You should read the tutorial carefully first before starting work on this project. You can see some diagrams and photos in the tutorial which helps you to understand the steps easily.
If you are not feeling comfortable with the source tutorial then you can also watch the video tutorial of this project. A video tutorial can help you to understand every step of the project nicely. Find the video in the link below.
3) Craft a Rustic Pumpkin with Scrap Wood

Willing to build some decorative pieces? Want to build a fun and interesting project? Here, you are in the right place. We are going to present you a crafted project. Although, it needs some tricky skills to build up, but no worries, you can also build this elegant piece of décor. This crafted wooden Pumpkin can be profitable to you.
Everyone wants to add some decorative stuff to their furniture in the home or patio. These elegant pumpkin décor pieces can be a nice add to their décor, You can build these pieces in less than a day or more than it in case if you are not that skilled. You don’t need to be a professional woodworker to build this one, rather, if you have control on some of the basics of woodworking than it’s not a difficult task to build for you.
Some tools that are required for this project are a jigsaw, a handsaw, drill, a few screws, a screwdriver, etc. You can modify these wooden pumpkins if you want. Build two or three different sized pumpkins and paint them with the desired color.
The source tutorial above includes all the details about every step of building this project. You can get a better guide to build this project, in that tutorial. The tutorial includes diagrams and pictures with every step, explaining the process details nicely.
We are also including a video tutorial of this project you can find it below link, to get help more about this project.
4) Swing Bed DIY

We have previously added some pallet swing chair projects in some posts. But today, we are going to give you an idea about swinging bed project.
Just imagine, laying down on a swing bed in the warm breeze, placing your head on a comfortable soft pillow with having a glass of wine or tea. This could make your summer evenings perfect.
The duration of time needed to build this project depends upon how skilled you are, and how much you are crazy about building this one. Basically, this project doesn’t need any long listed skills to build up, just some basic skills of building any woodworking project can be enough.
We are presenting a source tutorial of this DIY project below. The source tutorial will guide you better towards building this plan. It includes pictures and diagrams to make you illustrate all the steps of the process. The good thing about this source tutorial is that they have already included a video tutorial for this project in the post. So, make sometime this weekend and build this profitable project with the help of this tutorial. Head over to Ana white.
Some tools that are necessary to this project are a circular saw, a miter saw, measuring tape, a wood pencil, screwdriver, etc. Although, this is a costly project to build up but it will make you much profit when you go to sell this one.
We are also including a video tutorial of this project here in this post. You can find it in the link below.
5) DIY Pallet Dining Table

We have a small dining room area in our farmhouse that is separate from the living room and kitchen. The area is much smaller in space than our last house. I was little confused that our typical rectangular farmhouse table was not going to cut it. So, I walked in I came to know that we needed to build a Pallet dining table. So, I searched for a plan design idea and build a very own beautiful pallet dining table. I was an amazing DIY plan, I just love it!
If you are also facing the similar situation, you can go on with my plan, create a round dining table.
I have completed this project in one and a half day; you can complete it in a day if you don’t take the breaks during working like I do. Source link to this project is listed below you can follow that tutorial.
If you are not comfortable with this dining table design, you can also browse the internet for more designs of the dining table projects. We are also including such link where you can find some more designs of wooden dining table DIY.
If you are not feeling comfortable with the source tutorial and searching for a video tutorial of this project to understand everything in a better way, we are including a YouTube video tutorial of this project. This tutorial will help you to understand every step nicely. You can also share the images of your final products in the comment section below.
6) Vertical Pallet Garden DIY

It’s almost summer and also a perfect time to grow your plants with some décor pieces now! Maybe, building this vertical plant can save you some money by making this from pallets, also it’s a trend nowadays to grow the plants in beautiful planters. What about a planter which can make you some profit when you sell it out?
Normally, wood pallets are used as a mechanism for storing and shipping some big items. But, this planter project is something popular and trendy. Wood pallets can be reassembled into some wood planks that are useful for any woodworking project.
In the source tutorial below, you will find a DIY project ‘s step by step building details. This tutorial is a wood pallet planter which is shown in the image above. And also, this project doesn’t need you to be a professional woodworker, but with some basic woodworking skills and knowledge, you can this inexpensive wood planter.Just click on the link below, read it once carefully and start a plan to build this one.
You can also find a video tutorial that we are including below. This video tutorial will help you to illustrate all the steps of the process. We are including this because most of our readers feel comfortable watching a video tutorial instead of having a post tutorial.
And in case, you don’t like this design of wood planter, you can always browse the internet for some more designs to build a planter. Also, we are providing a link, where you can find some more designs of a planter box.
7) DIY Pallet Nightstand

In our bedrooms, one furniture piece, often looked amazing and elegant, which always stands by our side, and always ready to store our favorite books, and other tiny things, and a super elegant piece that cannot be replaced at any cost: our nightstand, a simply amazing section. The nightstand can be easy and cheap to create with some wood pallets. In this DIY project, we are presenting you an idea to build a nightstand with having some pallets.
A simple wooden piece can greatly enhance the storage in your bedroom and the chest-like solution above is no exception. You can modify this nightstand with any color or any other functionality. This wooden table can receive any finish that you desire.
Every project needs a tutorial to build, same for this project, you need a tutorial to build the project. So, we are including a source tutorial of this project in the link below. The source tutorial includes images and diagrams in every step. You can understand the whole process of this project in the step by step tutorial given below. So let’s have a fun.
Even, if you are not feeling comfortable with this design, you can always browse the internet for some more designs. We are also including a link below where you can find some more designs on nightstand tables. Be sure to select the one with respect to your woodworking skills.
Some people prefer video tutorials instead of post tutorials, so for them, we are including a YouTube video tutorial link below. The video will help you to understand all the steps fairly.
8) DIY Pallet Wine Rack

If you are searching for some fun and easy projects to tackle, we will highly recommend you to build a wine rack. We got an amazing project this weekend and thought about how cool a wine rack made out of scrap woods or can be from some old pallets.
So, as this project needs some pallets, you need to drive behind a couple stores for pallets. Or maybe you have some wood pallets left behind from different projects. Time to use that pallet now, take that out and start a new project of the wine rack.
We are providing you a source tutorial of this project. You can get step by step detailed instructions from this tutorial. One thing that you don’t need to be a professional woodworker, anyone with a few basic woodworking knowledge can build this wine rack. Time to head this over to Sweet Pae.
This pallet wine rack project doesn’t need a long list of tools and materials to build. Only a few tools like a jigsaw, a belt sander, a table saw, measuring tape, circular saw, etc. are enough to build this wine rack. All the instructions and details about tools and supplies needed for this project can be found in the source tutorial link above.
Also, if you are the one who prefers a video tutorial instead of written tutorial. We are including a YouTube video tutorial link of this project so that you can help in a better way and feel comfortable while working on this project.
9) Recycled Coffee Table

Nothing is more amazing than having a beautiful and rustic pallet coffee table right in the middle of your bedroom or patio. As wooden furniture can cost you huge, we are here you to give you some inexpensive handmade DIY wooden projects.
Same with this idea, we are presenting you a tutorial to build an awesome rustic pallet coffee table without spending any money. This durable coffee table is easy to build by stacking, gluing and screwing some pallets.
This can be an elegant centerpiece of your patio furniture or room furniture. Building this project does not need any professional skills, but anyone with basic woodworking knowledge and skills can build this project easily. This project will take three or four hours of your time to build, or can be a day if you take some breaks during the work as I did.
Some tools that are required to build this project are a jigsaw, a handsaw, measuring tape, wood pencil, a screwdriver, etc. You don’t need any long list of tools, which shows that how much inexpensive this project is.
You can also browse the internet for some more designs of coffee tables, be sure to select the one which matches your woodworking skills. We are also providing you a link below for some ideas about the designs of the coffee table.
You can also watch a YouTube video tutorial of this project in the link below. The video tutorial will help you in a better way to understand every step of this process.
10) Pallet Christmas Tree

How about building a wood pallet Christmas tree? We are already sharing some woodworking projects and crafts with you! In this idea, we want to show you a great idea of building a wooden Christmas tree.
This super easy recycled pallet Christmas tree created by using some pallets is one of my favorite DIY projects. It might have all the components of your craft, a little bit new but rustic Christmas tree. It is perfect for both outdoor and indoor décor pieces! We are including the source tutorial for this DIY project below. Source tutorial includes step by step details of this process with diagrams and images.
We hope! You will get enough details to build this project. You can also get help from watching the video tutorial of this project.
Some more ideas and designs of building a wooden Christmas tree can be found while browsing the internet. If you are not comfortable with one we included, you can also select any other idea and design from the internet. But make sure that you have selected the one which matches your skills and knowledge about woodworking.
Some people prefer to watch video tutorial instead of having a source tutorial. For them, we are including a YouTube video tutorial for building a Pallet Christmas tree. Although, the Christmas tree DIY in the video tutorial is little different from the one in the source tutorial and the one shown in the image above. But it will also help you to build a new Christmas tree using some pallets.
11) Wood Tree Shelf DIY

Shelves play most important roles in the decoration and storage of any home/room. So in this idea, we are going to present you an amazing tree shelves building. This pallet tree shelf will look adorable in the room.
It’s a pretty easy project. If you think you can decorate any wall of your home with this tree shelves project, it will be a fun to build this little project. I will not take more than a day to build this project.
We are also including a video tutorial of Shelving project. The video tutorial is a little different from the one in the source tutorial. But this will help you to build another tree shelves project. The video tutorial includes step by step process of building the project. Watch it at the link below.
In case, if you are not comfortable with building these two designs of tree shelves, you can browse some more wooden shelves on the internet. But we are also including a link to different designs of wooden shelves that you can build easily, find the one in the link below. Be sure that you have selected the project which matches your woodworking skills.
If you have some queries or want to discuss something with us, you can comment in the comment section of this post below. Also, feel free to post images of your final products, if you have completed the project.
12) Pallet Herb Planter Box

This pallet planter box was the first project I did. I completed it over a year ago. This is a great project to build. As you will see pallets works superbly for you. Today, people like to plant their favorite herbs and flowers in the planters and boxes, instead of growing them on the earth’s surface.
Making the flowers grow in the planters allow them to carry these plants, herbs, and flowers to anywhere in the home or patio. You will find this project one of the profitable and inexpensive. And the good thing is that you don’t need to be proficient in woodworking to build this one, just by having/knowing the basics of woodworking will be enough to build this one. Place your planter anywhere in the house or garden.
We are including the source tutorial of this project in the link below. Source tutorial will help you to understand all the steps of this process fairly and nicely. It includes images and diagrams along with comprehensive details.
There are some people, who want a video tutorial instead of a written tutorial. For those, we managed to include a video tutorial in the link below. This video tutorial will help you in a better way to understand all the steps of building this durable and amazing planter box.
Maybe, you find this one a little different from the one in the source tutorial, but it will help you to build the one shown in the image above.
13) Wood Deck Cooler DIY

If you willing to learn how you can build a rustic cooler from pallets then this project is for you, my friend. And the coolest part of this plan is that you can build this project by using only one type of saw.
There are many other great tutorials you can find on the internet, but they all need many tools to build. You might not have a table saw, a router, or miter saw and of course, it costs hundreds of dollars. And you can sell this Deck cooler at almost no cost and make a handsome profit. By having a drill and impact driver plus any type of saw, you can build it easily.
There are many other ideas of building rustic, or deck cooler and also you can find many other designs while browsing the internet. You can choose any idea or design for building a deck cooler from them. And obviously, it doesn’t need a proficient, skilled woodworker. I did it in a day, so you can also do it.
In case, if you are not comfortable with this design of wood cooler, you can always browse the internet. Select any one of them, which matches your woodworking skills. We are also including a link where you can find different ideas of building this project.
We also managed to include a video tutorial for this project, which helps you to illustrate the steps of the process.
14) Pallet Coat Rack

This is a super easy project to build you will ever find. You will find it profitable also. Since we have built the first one, this got more interest for us. It’s way too easy and cheap to not to share with you!
You just need some basic woodworking tools and materials to build this coat rack. We are including a source tutorial of this project in the link below. You will get step by step details of the process of building this awesome coat rack. The source tutorial also includes images and diagrams along with every step in it.
Some of our readers prefer watching a video tutorial instead of heaving a written tutorial. For those readers, we are including a YouTube video tutorial for this project, Although, these are two a few different designs in both of the tutorials, but both of them help you in a better way to build two awesome wooden coat rack. You can find the video tutorial in the link below.
Some more coat rack designs and ideas can be found on the internet. Select any one if you are not comfortable with the two, we have included above. And, we also managed to include a link where you can find various awesome coat rack ideas. Check that link and select the one which matches your woodworking skills. Also, feel free to ask questions if you have in the comment section of this post.
15) Coffee Cup Rack DIY

Build an awesome looking wooden coffee cup rack by using just a small portion of wooden pallets. This will take a few hours of your time and will cost nothing. A super simple plan you got till now because it doesn’t include too many steps to build. It’s the most profitable and easy DIY project in this list.
You just have to cut the pallet to whatever size you want for your coffee cup rack. Then screw some hooks in it which helps you to hang the cups. This coffee cup rack will be an awesome add to anyone’s kitchen décor. Everyone will want to have this rack in their kitchen.
This project doesn’t require a professional woodworker, but anyone with some basic woodworking knowledge and a few tools of woodworking can build this project easily. This will make you handsome profit when sold.
We also managed to include a source tutorial link for this project. You can read this project in the link mentioned below. The source tutorial includes tools and materials required and step by step process of building a coffee rack with diagrams and images.
We are also including a video tutorial of this woodworking project. After watching the video tutorial you will get to know that it doesn’t need any professional skills, but some basic knowledge and skills of woodworking are necessary.
16) Boat Swing Set DIY

I recently came across this elegant wooden swing set, made up of like a boat. That was a cool piece of furniture I have had ever seen. I was starting to live it in very first look. Hope! You will also like this mini project.
I have built this elegant wooden furniture piece and placed it on my patio. This is really an amazing wooden DIY project I ever did. After all, what can be more calming than the tender rocking of a boat? This swing set will surely help your child to take a more gentle sleep.
This project needs some professional skills to build, but it never ever means that you can’t do it. If I did it, then you can do it too. And, you can build one for elders too, and put it in your garden or patio or anywhere in your home. Although this is really a beautiful project, this can make you earn some profit. People love to have something loving for their kids, so they will get interested in buying this wooden piece at first look.
We are including a source tutorial of this project in the link below. You can get enough help from that tutorial to build this elegant piece of wood.
To build this one, you must have some good woodworking skills. Also, I could not manage to get a satisfying source tutorial about this project that illustrates the process of building. But obviously, I will write a tutorial on it when I build one.
17) Corner Wall Shelves Project

It would be best if you consider building a storage shelf for your room décor and storage. This corner wooden zig zag shelf will surely impress you and your family members and your friends you visits your house.
No matter, if you have a modern home or a rustic type house, there would be a lot of ideas for you in this collection. This is another woodworking project that I love the most. You will enjoy building this one and also learn a lot. Some more designs you can find on the internet of DIY Wall corner shelves. Select the one of them that matches your woodworking skills and start building that. We are also providing a link where you can find more ideas about building wall shelves DIY. Check the link below:
A source tutorial we managed to include in this project. You will understand all the steps fairly and nicely with the source tutorial. Every step in source tutorial includes images and diagrams to help you to understand them in a better way. So, take a look at it at the link below.
Even, if you don’t feel comfortable with the source tutorial and want to see a video tutorial of the projects. Then, you are lucky, that we managed to include a video tutorial of this project in the link below. The video tutorial will help you better to illustrate the step by step process of building this project.
18) Pallet Dog Bed DIY

Dog beds are normally pretty expensive to get and their creators are presenting more and more awesome designs. While there are a lot of some great ideas, we are presenting you one of the elegant and most common DIY dog beds, which is made from pallets.
It’s an awesome piece of wood that you made it look however you want it and also it will be sturdy, durable and comfortable. Check out this awesome DIY project in the source tutorial linked below. The source tutorial includes all the details of step by step process to build this dog bed. Every step defines in details with images and diagrams. Have a look at it.
Even, if you are not comfortable with the source tutorial linked above, and want to watch a video tutorial instead. Luckily, for you, we also managed to include a video tutorial in the link below. This video tutorial will help you in a better way to understand all the steps of this process fairly and easily.
Some more ideas and designs of wooden dog beds can be found on the internet. If you are not satisfied with this one, you can always browse the internet to search for some more ideas and designs. We are also including a link, where you can find thousands of different wooden dog bed ideas. Select the one which matches your woodworking skills and start working this weekend.
19) Pallet Wood Shelf DIY

This ingenious pallet wood shelf project we build when we decided to with this rustic look in the room. As a result, we used some pallets and some woodworking tools to build this in almost no time.
And finally, we ended up with an original, elegant, functional and an inexpensive bar that we were able to make ourselves. Even though this shelf project was created as a simple way of adding some useful decorative pieces. Check out our this DIY beautiful piece which is made of reclaimed pallets. It doesn’t involve any scrap, but it is still the project that will look elegant in your room.
Shelves usually come as very handed furniture pieces in your house. This practical shelf is made out of pallets and in a very short period of time it built. We are including a source tutorial to this DIY wood shelf project. The tutorial includes all the steps with details and also having diagrams and images in every step. The good thing is that the author also included a Vimeo video tutorial for this project in the source tutorial.
We also managed to include a video tutorial for this project. You can get much help from that video tutorial linked below. The video tutorial will help you to illustrate all the steps of the process. Find it at the link below:
20) Moon Shaped Baby Cradle

Preparing anything for your baby can be an amazing experience. There are many ideas and projects to do, but you are probably prepared to guess which one will be more awesome!
What about building a moon cradle for your baby? Using your woodworking skills to make this yourself can be not only cheaper than buying the one from the store, but it is also an opportunity to unwind, to use your skills, to use your hands and to work together with your loved once. There are plenty of small baby cradle designs on the internet, but we find this one more easy and elegant.
You need some pallets and some necessary woodworking tools to build this moon cradle. Some tools are a jigsaw, a handsaw, circular saw, a measuring tape, drill, screws, screwdriver, etc. Anyone with a few woodworking skills can build this moon baby cradle.
Source tutorial includes all the details of the process in steps by having diagrams and images along with every step. You will get help from this source tutorial to understand all the steps easily.
Fortunately, we also managed to include a video tutorial for this DIY project. Some readers prefer to watch video tutorials instead of having written ones. So, if you are one of them, watch this video tutorial. This will help you to illustrate all the steps nicely.
21) DIY Pallet Cat House

We all love having some pets and everyone will agree that cats are the best home pets. If you are the one who thinks same, then you should check our this DIY cat house project.
This cat tree pallet house project could help you to build something durable with excellent living conditions for your cat. This cat tree house is unique and hand crafted. This could also satisfy the cat’s needs and wishes. This will give your cat a room play, jump, explore and also a comfortable sleep. This cat house looks very attractive and perfectly matched with trees. This is not only a cat house but can also be a piece of décor in your home. The trees used are natural, that is why this piece of pallets is for indoor only. You can find the further information and details about this cool cat tree house in the source tutorial.
Source tutorial includes all the details about every single step with images and diagrams. You will get to know everything deeply in the source tutorial. Although, this a professional woodworker’s project, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. If I can do it, then you can do it too. You have to know some basic woodworking knowledge first and should have some basic skills of using woodworking tools.
Luckily, we also managed to include a video tutorial for this project. A video tutorial helps in a better way to illustrate all the steps of any project.Find the video tutorial in the link given below.
22) Pallet Swing Bed

Having a swing bed in your own home, yard or garden can be so de-stressing and be relaxing a thing to enjoy, that doesn’t matter you have a big yard or patio, or vacant porch. You can build one for kids too. Kids will surely fall in love with this swing porch bed and love playing on a breezy day. Even, adults also do relax and enjoy a quiet morning coffee, or just being embraced by the sun in the swing.
This may seem like a long project, but in fact, this is pretty simple and doable DIY plan even for a beginner.
Building a swing bed for your yard or patio is an impartially simple DIY woodworking plan that is perfect for the beginner or intermediate woodworkers. All the porch swing projects have blueprints and detailed instructions to help you succeed.
But, don’t limit yourself if you don’t have a patio hanging bed for a swing. Think about your back porch, deck, or even a tree in your home, yard or garden. You can even exclude one of them from an arbor or swing set frame. Try some more Porch swing ideas for an interesting weekend.
I have also included a video tutorial so that you can get help step by step from it. The video tutorial includes a complete guide to building patio swing bed. You can also search for some more designs and ideas of building Porch swing for your yard or patio.
23) DIY Pallet Daybed

If you think outdoor furniture can enhance your garden and yard, consider building an outdoor daybed that can evolve on the lobby of summer homes and alternates of upstate New York. This is an object that no one will want to hide in their house because it simply looks so pretty.
Source tutorial we included, having all the steps with details and images. This project doesn’t need any long list of materials and tools. You only require some screws, 2x4s boards and some other standard woodworking supplies like a saw and glue.
On one hand, I suggest you buy some quality materials, as the Bench will look good and will be very durable, in the long run. Check the boards and materials before buying, if those are in a good condition, otherwise you won’t be able to get a nice result.
To know more about this project, check out the link below.
I am also including a video tutorial for this project. Although, the one in the video tutorial is little different from the one shown in the image above and in source tutorial. But this will help you to build two little different furniture pieces. The video tutorial will help you to understand every step of building an outdoor daybed easily.
24) Pallet End Table

Have you ever seen modern pallet end tables? They might look ugly as sin and also your grandpa may be ASHAMED if you bought one. With the help of a little hardware and some hefty dowels– you will be sitting by the on your patio in style.
Today I am going to show you how we build our very own a pallet end Table! As I have been obsessed with some natural wood textures and was also lusting after a pallet table which was very similar to this one. I always prefer everyone to make things yourself rather than buying them, because what is the meaning of spending some money when you are able to build exactly the look you saw in home décor or somewhere else at a fraction of the cost. I promise that it is a simple plan to do and you can make it in a day or half.
Some tools that are required for this project are a hammer, chisels, sanding sponges, tack cloth, stain brushes and face mask, etc. You can make one of these end tables and put in your bedroom. You can also take some different ideas to build a pallet end table from the internet, we are also providing a link, select the one design from the link and start building your very own tree side stump table.
We have mentioned below a YouTube video tutorial link to this plan, take a look at it before starting the work on the project and you will understand everything nicely.
25) A Simple Adirondack Chair

This Adirondack chair project will help you to build an outdoor chair that may become the centerpiece of your backyard.
There’s a great thing that so many plastic patio chairs are manufactured to stack, and the aluminum ones can be folded up flat. This means we can get them put away and store them out of sight as momentarily as possible.
However, if you think outdoor furniture can enhance your garden and yard, consider building a set of Adirondack chairs that can evolve on the lobby of summer homes and alternates of upstate New York. This is an object that no one will want to hide in their house because it simply looks so pretty.
In this version of Adirondack chairs, you can add a matching table so you will have a stylish surface for a good book and cool drinks.
Although, there are a few angles and curves to cut in the project, but there is no fancy joinery in it — everything’s held together with the deck screws that are corrosion-resistant.
If you are building more than one chair, it needs to make templates for its parts like the arms, back rails and side rails. The YouTube video tutorial of the project is also available here in brief.
If you are confused about this one, you can also search for some more wood Adirondack chair project ideas. At the link below you can find some really interesting wooden Adirondack chair ideas.
26) IKEA Hack Platform Bed

Want to add an awesome piece of wooden bed in your bedroom? There is no better idea you can ever get but this one.
An IKEA Hack Platform Bed, easy to build, but a big project ever in this list. Once you have built this one, you will start loving it.
This is simply a clever design. This provides you to feel comfortable by having an awesome platform bed as well as a storage space. The 2-in-1 combo is a modern, trendy furniture piece. This super-strong, big, but simple-to-build platform bed project is maybe the project you’ve been looking for a long time. You have to select some free platform bed plans to create yourself a platform bed in your bedroom that after you will love it when you finished building this and obviously, it can provide you some extra storage space, depends upon which plan you are choosing to DIY.
Even, if you are not comfortable with this design and idea, you can always browse the internet for more platform bed projects. And of course, you will want to choose the platform bed project that you are going to build easily, taking note of the space you have available in your bedroom as well as what you need to build this platform bed.
Here is a link to the video tutorial that does the same task, but in a different way. This tutorial will help you to guide deeply how to do.
27) Rustic Wooden Headboard DIY

If you want a new headboard and you are willing to give your bedroom a new awesome country look, you can build a rustic headboard for your bed from that looks like an old barn door. This rustic wooden headboard project can be done with just about any material you have, and if you really willing to give it the rustic look, you can use some pallet boards.
I have turned old picture frames and salvaged lumber into a personalized headboard for my little girl’s bedroom. “Sweet dreams” were spelled out with flowers. You can also create your own personalized headboard and spell out your child’s name with some decorative flowers. I am including a source tutorial of this project where you can find all the details of the project. Source tutorial includes step by step process with images and diagrams along with every step.
Some tools required for this project are a hand saw or miter saw, measuring tape, Drill and sand paper, etc. The source tutorial will explain you everything properly and briefly.
The In case you are confused about this one, you can also find some more amazing designs for your headboard project from the link given below.
We are also including the step by step processed video tutorial to make it easy for you. It might be a little different tutorial, but the video will let you know some illustrates about how to do it yourself.
28) Floating Plate Rack

Physically and visually lighter than bookcases, some extra floor space, floating shelves are a favorite storage space for everything from some little necessary things to books, some kitchen supplies to souvenirs, these shelves are suitable for virtually any room and kitchen.
Of all the designs out there, most of the woodworkers prefer building floating shelves because these wall-mounted shelves take on sleek with their hardware hidden and have some modern look. DIY floating plate shelves plan is easy for anyone with basic building skills to install. You can easily approach the project in a weekend.
Using these floating shelves in your room or kitchen is a great way to arrange and de-clutter space… I know, such groundbreaking term it is. Do not write me off yet, I just want to show you how you can build some clean floating corner shelving that appears to have no brackets. You can create them at no cost, and the hardest part of the plan is figuring out what you are going to put on these shelves when you are finished.
If you have a storage space problem in your kitchen or room and also you can manage to space there to build some shelves. Wait no more, go ahead and start the awesome shelves plan and make some space for your books, plates and other things. Do a search for some different beautiful designs and start working on this project on the upcoming weekend.
29) Clip Picture Frame DIY

Want to create a gifting DIY? This one could be the best idea to build, Clip picture frames.
Make a unique clip picture frame with recycled materials like pallets and some scrapes. What better way to display your favorite pictures in your room than to put some effort on building a cherished DIY picture frame idea? You can enhance your DIY home décor with this fun and easily crafted idea which preserve your memories.
Try your hand at building this beautiful wooden piece that will add some elegant look to your DIY rustic room décor.
This creative picture frame project will blow your mind and you will start loving it. It’s obviously a cool wooden upcycling idea for DIY decorating at no cost. I just love the vintage look of these picture frames and think you will, too. Especially, when you will get to know how easy is it to build these picture frames at no cost. These wooden frames can make you a handsome profit when you went to sell them.
You can also try some different ideas of building picture frames while browsing the internet. We are also providing a link where you can find various ideas of creating picture frames.
As usual, we are including a video tutorial for this project too. The video tutorial will help you illustrates the process. You will get to know some more knowledge about building these picture frames.
30) DIY Wine Caddy

What makes a functional and clever gift even better? It might be the one that is handcrafted by the woodworker. This DIY wooden bottle crate is might be the perfect blend of straight-up utility and rustic charm.
Nothing can be better for a man than a cold pack of his favorite beer bottles except having a cold pack of his favorite beer bottles in hand with a wooden caddy that he may have built himself.
A quick Google search will show you the most popular groomsmen gifts that are usually one of the following: wallets, flasks, watches, and beer glasses. All impressed me with their initials, of course. But I thought I should do something a bit different for my groomsmen.
When I search the internet for beer caddy designs, I found the one linked above that I liked the most. The good thing is that it is not that difficult to build, anyone with basic woodworking knowledge can build this project, and they have also provided step by step process to make DIY Beer/wine caddy with images and diagrams.
Some tools that are required for this project are Miter saw, drilling machine, pencil, tape measure, screws, etc. Those, who prefer a video tutorial instead, can visit the below link to a YouTube video tutorial that illustrates the process of creating a DIY Beer/wine Bottle caddy. The video tutorial explains every step properly so that anyone can make a Beer bottle caddy easily.
31) DIY Wine Rack

Figuring out how to store wine in your house? Well, it can be a tricky deal. We wanted to make our bottles accessible, but we also wanted to protect them. I made it my goal to put together all the wine bottles and with a good DIY wine rack in our house. In fact, wine racks provide you the creative ways to place or store wine bottles in your kitchen or dining room. Design, build and install your own wine rack with our wine rack ideas.
Building this wine rack is a pretty easy project that you can complete it in a day or a day and a half, and of course, it depends upon how skilled you are and how familiar you are with woodworking knowledge. But a good news is that this free wine rack project will make you build an awesome looking wine rack, which you will find an inexpensive wine rack.
Not every one of us is a fan of wine, but you can’t deny that every house might have a bottle or two that were maybe a gift for any special occasion. So, if you are planning on keeping such wine bottles and popping them for another special occasion, then you have to keep them properly. Keep your favorite wines within reach for some dinner parties and holiday gatherings with one of these well-constructed wine racks.
Also, watch a video tutorial for this wine rack project in the link below.
32) Pipe Leg Coffee Table DIY

In every house, a coffee table has its own importance and value. It is always a centerpiece of any room, literally. This is why it is that an important wooden furniture piece.
Last week, I was looking for some new projects that can be handy, I found this one somewhere on the internet and I was just like WOW! I was actually looking for a new furniture centerpiece for my room and I found this one fairly awesome.I just completed this project two days ago. This is really an amazing add to the room’s furniture.
Also, this project doesn’t need any proficient, skilled woodworker, but anyone with some basic woodworking knowledge and a few skills can build this project easily. The good this is that this project didn’t demand any long list of materials and tools to build. Some basic necessary woodworking tools can be enough to build this one.
This was the list of some woodworking project that can sell easily and made you some handsome profit. We hope! You will find this collection one of the best.
If you have any queries or discussion about these projects, feel free to ask everything in the comment section of this post.
So, which project you are going to build this weekend? Or, if you have completed any task or more than one task, you can share the images of your final products in the comment section of the post.