Want to add some new assemblies to your garden or patio? Are you looking for some pleasuring outdoor projects for your patio? If yes, then this woodworking project category is dedicated to you for building some useful pieces of wood and add them to your garden.
We have presented you various woodworking projects, but this time we greet you with another collection of 24 interesting DIY woodworking projects for your garden which is a little similar to the some of the previous one.
In this article, our focus is on the woodworking project that can be useful for your gardens such as some garden decoration pieces, garden furniture, organizers, and planters.
1) Wooden Tree Bench

Design and build a simple but awesome hexagonal pallet wood bench around a tree in your garden. Its construction geometry is pretty easier than building a circular bench around any tree yet provide equal seating space and comfort. Build this hexagonal bench in sections with support space to avoid the roots of the tree and after that assemble it around the tree.
There are a lot of pallets projects you will find in our different posts. So I thought it would be cool to add a DIY pallet bench around a tree with 100% pallet wood. And I hope you will get inspired to build one for your garden so you have a place to sit back in your yard or garden!
The construction of this awesome tree bench is both durable and simple, and it requires little space around the tree in the yard or garden. You can get all the instruction about this hexagonal bench project in the source tutorial link below. Everything in the source tutorial is explained in details and images along with every step so that you will get enough help from this tutorial.
The good thing about the source tutorial is that they have also included a video tutorial with their written tutorial. You can get help from that tutorial. We are also including a video tutorial of building this tree bench. A video tutorial can help you in a better way to illustrate the process. Find the YouTube video tutorial in the link below.
2) Adirondack Chair and Table

An Adirondack chair and table plan can help you to build a centerpiece furniture set of your yard. I recently came across this beautiful Adirondack chairs along with the table set and I was like Cool! I can build one for myself. The very first look was enough for me to start loving these chairs. Although, I have not yet tried them building one myself, but I am definitely going to.
There’s a great thing that so many plastic patio chairs are manufactured to stack, and the aluminum ones can be folded up flat. This means we can get them put away and store them out of sight as momentarily as possible.
However, if you think outdoor furniture can enhance your garden and yard, consider building a set of Adirondack chairs that can evolve on the lobby of summer homes and alternates of upstate New York. This is an object that no one will want to hide in their house because it simply looks so pretty.
Building an Adirondack chair with the table is an impartially simple DIY woodworking plan that is perfect for the beginner or intermediate woodworkers. All the Adirondack chair projects have blueprints and detailed instructions to help you succeed.
But, don’t limit yourself if you don’t have an Adirondack chair in your garden. You can try some more ideas of building these chairs and tables while browsing the internet. Here, we are also providing such link where you can find various ideas about building Adirondack chairs.
3) Sand Box with Built-in Seats

Have your kids served you a sand pie? I don’t know about you, but I have been served from such situation many times. Every summer afternoon, when we go for a picnic at the seaside, playing with sand is a fun for the kids. Seeing them happy while playing with sand makes me be happy. So, I decided to build a sandbox for the kids to make them play with sand even if don’t have any plan to go out at the seaside.
Check the link that has an awesome designed sandbox. You can try this one for your kids. Be sure to look through each plan to see which one will work best for your skill level and the child’s needs. The source link also includes more pictures that can help you to build a better sandbox.
Source tutorial will help you to understand every step of building this sandbox along with diagrams and images in every step. The best thing about the sandbox is that it is very easy to build. All you need is the basic understanding of woodworking and a few tools to get started. You can also modify your kid’s sandbox in any way you want or build in a different design or color different from the one pictured above. You can try some other designs for your plan in the below-mentioned link.
4) Barn Greenhouse Plan

With having a greenhouse in your yard, you certainly have a micro-climate that you can control easily. This greenhouse gives you the benefit of being able to manage humidity and temperature, to control pests and to protect your plantings and flowers from changing weather conditions.
This specific barn greenhouse is created with a metal lower wall which is added if you have pesky animals who would love to nibble on your planted area and other edibles. For complete project instruction of building this greenhouse, we are providing you a link of a source tutorial of this project. Source tutorial includes step by step instruction of building this greenhouse along with images and diagrams in every step. This will help you to understand every step finely and you will able to build it comfortably.
Also, if you are not feeling comfortable with the design of this greenhouse, you can always browse the internet for some more project designs.
5) Porch Swing Project

Having a porch swing in your own home, yard or garden can be so de-stressing and be relaxing a thing to enjoy, that doesn’t matter you have a big yard or patio, or vacant porch. Kids will surely fall in love with this swing porch and love playing on a breezy day. Even, adults also do relax and enjoy a quite morning coffee, or just being embraced by the sun in the swing.
This may seem like a long project, but in fact, this is pretty simple and doable DIY plan even for a beginner.
Building a porch swing is an impartially simple woodworking DIY plan that is perfect for the beginner or intermediate woodworkers. All the porch swing projects have blueprints and detailed instructions to help you succeed.
But, don’t limit yourself if you don’t have a front porch for a swing. Think about your back porch, deck, or even a tree in your home, yard or garden. You can even exclude one of them from an arbor or swing set frame. Try some more Porch swing ideas for an interesting weekend.
6) Planter Box

When I saw this planter plan I knew that it can be the perfect fit for our readers. This is a relatively pretty simple plan that uses some simple techniques. The style could go with a contemporary or deck or classic patio.
Materials for this plan could be bought from your local woodworking store. The cost for this DIY also is minimal. Since you buy pieces of wood, now it is a case of assembly only.
The one tricky feature has to do with the taper cut, it required on some of the pieces, but you should take your time and mark/measure it properly, I know that this plan is easy enough for anyone.
If you are a professional woodworker and also not feeling comfortable with this simple design, you can try some different designs for your planter. As we have included a link to some incredibly astonishing designs of wood planters that you can get help from there.
This plan can be done by any woodworker, no matter what’s the level of him a beginner, intermediate worker or a professional woodworker.
Good luck! We would love to see your work on this DIY. If you have completed one of these planters, feel free to upload a picture in the comment section below.
7) Pallet Wood Garden Walkway

I have decided there should be a pallet walkway in my garden entry area! As I have a little sitting area in the garden in front of my home, there is a tiny walking way to that garden area. Having some cement stepping stones can not make me comfortable and satisfied while moving towards the garden. These are just fencing but always sunk.
So, I decided to do something easy, but more durable and awesome for that walkway. Having some wooden pallet pieces, I can do something more amazing which can be more comfortable to me. I have chosen to place some pallets in the walkway of that area and believe me those pallets make an astonishing look in the garden.
The project of creating a pallet walkway is not so difficult. Anyone with a little woodworking knowledge and skills can do this DIY. You just need some pallets and you might also need a saw to level them up. I have had all the pallets in the same lengths so, I did not use any saw or any other tool in this project.
You can find the source tutorial of this project in the link below. The tutorial includes the details of building the pallet walkway. I hope you can get enough help from this tutorial. Have a look at it!
8) Potting Bench

The crazy looking Potting bench is going to add prosperity to your gardening experience with this free plan.
Moreover, it uses a virtual technique to make sure that everything extra within the garden space remains properly organized. Some necessary gardening materials like soil pots, empty pots, fertilizers, gardening tools, and some related supplies can be kept now at one location.
Also, if you don’t have to cost lots of money on buying such a great gardening bench, you can create it yourself. In fact, why you spend money on such thing? if you can create one your own.
Using this potting bench project you can create a great looking, spacious bench for your garden. This bench has two large slabs for placing different pots and some vertical board for hanging tools; it is simply an elegant bench. Read Ana White plan link mentioned above.
Also, take a look at video tutorial and create a great place for gardening supplies and potting plants by building this easy, good-looking potting bench. This plan needs some wood boards and necessary tools to build up. The bench looks so good that you might also decide to use it as a serving station on your patio or deck, too.
We got this idea from a Pinterest post. The final product looks so elegant, so I couldn’t restrict myself to build one. This was somewhat a great and different experience from my other regular DIY projects. You can try it yourself too, Go ahead!
9) Planter Bench

There are many outdoor bench plans on the internet including covered benches, benches with no backs, storage benches and many other plans. But, we find this plan too easy and elegant at the same time. You will love it when you build the one.
Before starting the project, let me know you that I have had purchased some material and accessories for this project. You may already have these accessories at your store or home. Pallets can be found at any woodworking store at free, and cushions on the bench are optional.
We are including a link to the source tutorial of this project. The tutorial includes details with diagrams and images in every step. You will get right direction to build this planter box for your yard.
In case, if you are not satisfied with this design of the planter box bench, you can always search the internet for some more plans. Feel free to select the one from them that can make you feel comfortable while having in your yard. But keep one thing in your mind while selecting the project that you are selecting the plan that matches your woodworking skills. Otherwise, you will face many difficulties during the project.
10) Swing Bed

We have previously added some pallet swing chair projects in some posts. But today, we are going to give you an idea about swinging bed project.
Just imagine, laying down on a swing bed in the warm breeze, placing your head on a comfortable soft pillow with having a glass of wine or tea. This could make your summer evenings perfect.
The duration of time needed to build this project depends upon how skilled you are, and how much you are crazy about building this one. Basically, this project doesn’t need any long listed skills to build up, just some basic skills of building any woodworking project can be enough.
We are presenting a source tutorial of this DIY project below. The source tutorial will guide you better towards building this plan. It includes pictures and diagrams to make you illustrate all the steps of the process. The good thing about this source tutorial is that they have already included a video tutorial for this project in the post. So, during this weekend you can build this profitable project with the help of this tutorial. Head over to Ana white.
Some tools that are necessary to this project are a circular saw, a miter saw, measuring tape, a wood pencil, screwdriver, etc. Although, this is a costly project to build up but it will make you much profit when you go to sell this one.
11) Wheelbarrow Planter

You might have built some vertical and horizontal planters for your home, yard or garden. But have you ever tried to build a wheelbarrow planter? Of course, you didn’t. In this project, we are adding a wheelbarrow planter plan which can add a new old-fashioned planter piece to your garden décor.
An old wheelbarrow can become a spectacular new wooden planter in your yard. What a beautiful little piece wood that takes a little bit effort and gives you a new style. You can also create your own unique design. Retired and old gardening and planting ideas can make your garden décor more elegant and awesome looking.
You don’t have to be a professional woodworker to build this project. Anyone with basic woodworking knowledge and some skills can build this one. Some tools and materials that are required for this project are some pallets, a jigsaw, a handsaw, drill, screws, screwdriver, etc.
You can find some more ideas of wheelbarrow planter. We are including a Pinterest link which can help you to find some plans for building wheelbarrow planter. You should select the one which matches to your woodworking knowledge and skills.
12) Wooden Pallet Backyard Arbor Bench

You can add a little romance to your patio, yard or garden with this incredible arbor bench project. The freestanding arbor bench structure has a number of subtle features that add to its appearance, comfort, and strength.
The structure of the arbor is broad and also stable enough to stand on its own, but if you want it to install permanently, you can anchor it to concrete its footings with having metal brackets embedded in them. You can also find more instructions in the source tutorial.
Source tutorial includes step by step detailed instructions with diagram and images that will surely help you to understand illustrates to the process. Anyone with basic woodworking skills can build this arbor bench project in a weekend.
You can put the arbor together in a workshop, then carry it assembled to its final destination, but make sure to hire some helpers while you are taking it out to the final destination. However, since this project built in four main sections and it can also be broken down and reassembled again on the site.
In case, if you are not comfortable with this design, then you can browse the internet for some more designs for your project. Be sure to choose the one that matches your skills and can be built easily.
13) Wood Garden Bridge

If you have a creek or a pond in your garden you might need a well-built foot bridge. Browse throughout following neat Garden Bridge plan that we have compiled for you.
Making a garden arched footbridge out of some wood boards can be fun, hard working plan and also it’s quite rewarding. We are providing the project tutorial for how to build an arched footbridge without rails or having rails. If you take your hands of work and have some basic woodworking skills you can easily build this type of bridge. While this garden bridge is too small to walk over, but it can make a really stunning addition to your lush yard or garden.
From the source tutorial, you can get illustrates to the instruction about the plan. Everything is fairly described as diagrams, images, the list of supplies and tools need etc. The process to this plan is very easy to understand and follow for if you are having some basic woodworking knowledge. Make sure to collect all the supplies you need before you start with the project. You may even ask any question directly in the comment section of the tutorial post and also comment the images of your final product if you have completed it. Either way, I hope that you will manage to build this one nicely.
14) Three Tier Planter

This is an awesome little project for your patio or yard that is only very useful and also a great addition. It is also very simple to build as well as durable and affordable. You might have seen a lot of projects of building planters, but this one is the one you will find best among all of them. What I really like about this planter is its simplicity as it is not too complicated or fancy but look very elegant and something special.
You can build this one in even cheaper than the one you might have built before. This will take almost one day of your time to build. Take some pallets and some basic woodworking tools to build this one on this weekend.
The good thing is that source tutorial also includes a video tutorial of this project. This project does not need a proficient woodworker, anyone with basic woodworking knowledge about tools and some skills can build this three tier planter. Some tools that are necessary to build this project are a Lumber, screws, Bar clamp, Miter saw, Measuring tape, Drill, etc. You can also modify this three tier planter to make it more decorative and add some functionality.
15) Garden Bench

Want to enhance the look of your garden or yard? Also willing a unique design for it? Then, building a mini wooden garden bench might fit your needs perfectly.
In this woodworking plan, I am going to guide you about building garden bench project. You can get the job done easily with basic woodworking skills, as its building process doesn’t need any extensive expertise in working with lumber.
This free project explains everything you need to build not only an outdoor bench, but you can also build a small sized table. That will look incredibly adorable in your yard. Although, the tables are pretty self-evident and as I had no need for them at the moment, so I did not include them in the video tutorial.
This project doesn’t need any long list of materials and tools. You only require some screws, 2x4s boards and some other standard woodworking supplies like a saw and glue.
On one hand, I suggest you buy some quality materials, as the Bench will look good and will be very durable, in the long run. Check the boards and materials before buying, if that are in a good condition, otherwise you won’t be able to get a nice result.
16) Arched Garden Bridge

Building an arched footbridge for your garden out of pallets and lumber can be a fun, quite rewarding and hard work. We are presenting you a plan for how to build an arched footbridge with rails. If you have modest woodworking skills and have time for fun then you can easily build this arched bridge.
This garden footbridge can be built of western Red Cedar or maybe with some pallets. And yes, it will take some practice for you to get a proper arch that is needed for this particular garden footbridge. You should have to be careful while building the arch that it should not be too high because of some safety concerns, especially if you are going to place it in the area where you get rain and snow on your garden bridge, people may get a slip if you don’t do so.
We are including a link to the tutorial on building this arched wooden bridge. Source tutorial includes step by step instructions on the process along with images and diagrams. I was not too much familiar with the most of the woodworking skill when I built this one. It means this project don’t always need a professional woodworker. If I can do it, you can do it too.
17) Stylish and Low-Cost Drum Planter

Are you looking for some ideas to add some planters around your garden? And also want a DIY style? This DIY drum planter idea might be perfect for you. This is also an amazing way for you to use excess items that may not be utilized.
Some modifications are needed to make these stylish drum planters for your yard or garden. One thing you have to keep In mind before starting any woodworking project is that the required tools list during the project. And these stylish but low-cost drum planters can be built if you have some pallets, scraps or lumber.
Plastic barrels or drum are also required to build these planters. The barrels we have used is the 55 Gallon barrel/drum. You can use the barrel with respect to the size of the planters that you want.
This project does not need a proficient woodworker to build, but anyone with basic woodworking skills, knowledge, and some tools can build this project. You just need some tools and material to complete this project. Some tools that are necessary for this project are a jigsaw, a de-burning tool, Drill, drywall screws, fender washers, etc. You will also need to buy a barrel if you want to build only one wood planter/container. It cost me almost 10$ per barrel.
18) Patio Chair

Furnishing and decorating your patio is not an easy task – but then again, it has to be done! Your patio is obviously one of the most important rooms in your home, as you can easily turn it into your little piece of Heaven, your “safe spot” in your home where you can retreat whenever you want to ignore the world and just spend some time alone all by yourself.
Do you like those classic, country-style armchairs chairs? You might see them all over the scenes of movies, and the truth is that they are really very comfortable.
You can sit on your patio having your own wood chair, sipping a Marguerite this summer, and that’s too without having to worry about investing a fortune in a ready-made chair!
And the fact is that you can make your own patio chair with several old but still good pallets. Here we are providing a tutorial that everybody can follow easily – it is very well-written and also self-explanatory, which is great for those who are a beginner at woodworking and have never completed a DIY project before. As you don’t need to be a professional woodworker or a handyman to complete this project, so it is not a difficult task – all you need is a bit of determination!
19) Pergola

It’s a specific architectural blend that makes you feel like you are sitting both inside and out at the same time. This structure is actually called a pergola. Pergolas were common attributes of Italian Renaissance gardens, usually covering walkways or serving as grape arbors. In this tutorial, the same design can be used to define a passageway or frame a focal point in your garden. You can add a climbing plant such as wisteria or grapevines, and your pergola will provide color and shade as well.
Building a Wooden Pergola is a little easy task for a professional woodworker, but not so much for normal people like you and me. But that doesn’t mean you cannot do this. Two years ago, I had almost no woodworking experience, but now I make most of my household and office wooden items by myself. This saves me a lot of money. And believe me when I say this; you can also manage to make wonderful wooden items with a little practice and some woodworking experience.
This is probably one of the coolest woodworking projects you will find on this list. Just see the image above if you don’t believe me. Isn’t it awesome? This super cool, great Pergola plan can give your patio a new look.
20) Swing Bed

We have previously added some pallet swing chair projects in some posts. But today, we are going to give you an idea about swinging bed project.
Just imagine, laying down on a swing bed in the warm breeze, placing your head on a comfortable soft pillow with having a glass of wine or tea. This could make your summer evenings perfect.
The duration of time needed to build this project depends upon how skilled you are, and how much you are crazy about building this one. Basically, this project doesn’t need any long listed skills to build up, just some basic skills of building any woodworking project can be enough.
We are presenting a source tutorial of this DIY project below. The source tutorial will guide you better towards building this plan. It includes pictures and diagrams to make you illustrate all the steps of the process. The good thing about this source tutorial is that they have already included a video tutorial for this project in the post. Head over to Ana white.
Some tools that are necessary to this project are a circular saw, a miter saw, measuring tape, a wood pencil, screwdriver, etc. Although, this is a costly project to build up but it will make you much profit when you go to sell this one.
21) Raised Patio Planter

It’s almost summer and also a perfect time to grow your plants with some décor pieces now! Maybe, building this raised patio planter can save you some money by making this from pallets, also it’s a trend nowadays to grow the plants in beautiful planters. What about a planter which can make you add some engaging and attracting wooden piece?
Normally, wood pallets are used as a mechanism for storing and shipping some big items. But, this planter project is something popular and trendy. Wood pallets can be reassembled into some wood planks that are useful for any woodworking project.
This tutorial is a wood pallet planter which is shown in the image above. And also, this project doesn’t need you to be a professional woodworker, but with some basic woodworking skills and knowledge, you can build this inexpensive wood planter. Just click on the link below, read it once carefully and start a plan to build this one.
22) Pallet Daybed

If you think outdoor furniture can enhance your garden and yard, consider building an outdoor daybed that can evolve on the lobby of summer homes and alternates of upstate New York. This is an object that no one will want to hide in their house because it simply looks so pretty.
Source tutorial we included, having all the steps with details and images. This project doesn’t need any long list of materials and tools. You only require some screws, 2x4s boards and some other standard woodworking supplies like a saw and glue.
On one hand, I suggest you buy some quality materials, as the Bench will look good and will be very durable, in the long run. Check the boards and materials before buying, if those are in a good condition, otherwise you won’t be able to get a nice result.
If you have some question for us about this project, feel free to ask in the comment section below. Also, comment below and tell us how you are getting our these projects that we have included in the list.
23) Wine Caddy

As it’s picnic season coming up! And summers in different areas are always filled with hangouts, outdoor festivals and concerts, encouraging attendees and guests to lounge and being ready for these fabulous picnic plans, eating all sorts of delectable drink and food with LOTS of wine. I myself also like and enjoy going to outdoor festivals and concerts with friends in the summer season and bringing some food and wine.
If you are also a wine lover and you too enjoy going to these outdoor events as well or like to simply lounge on your patio with a friend or guests and enjoying your favorite glass of wine, then my friend, this is the perfect DIY project for you.
This DIY plan makes it super easy to carry your bottle of wine with two wine glasses to any outdoor event or outside to your patio. It also looks elegant on display. And while wine caddies are perfect for entertaining, these also make the great handmade gifts. This is also an inexpensive DIY piece can build with pallet wood pieces.
24) Wooden Deck Cooler

As summer is my favorite season of the year and also I love the projects that spruce up my patio. One of my friends, a woodworker, sent me a picture of an ice chest cooler and said he would love to see a detailed tutorial on how to build something similar to it.
This is going to be a perfect wooden piece for summer outings and some trip/picnic tours to have for my friend’s parties this summer. This was a fun and practical project and that I know you will have fun tackling.
We hope you will enjoy learning how to create a patio cooler using the video tutorial we are providing, the source post, and plans!
The source tutorial is easy enough to understand and follow even for those who are new to woodworking but knows the basics of woodworking. So here, I am not going to explain each and every step, just highlighting it to you. And I want to assure you that if you will follow the exact same process, you can surely manage to build a good patio wooden cooler yourself. For video learners, I am including a link to the video tutorial for making DIY wooden patio cooler.
This patio wooden cooler helps you keep your drinks bottles and ice-creams, cold during outdoor parties and events. It is also a durable wooden piece. And also, if you didn’t like this one, you can search for more Patio cooler designs on the internet or with the help of any experienced woodworker.
So, this was the list of some woodworking plans for your garden or patio. The plans mentioned above were not exactly the tutorials, but a guide to some really cool woodworking projects. Although we are not teaching you to do anything, we are always here to help. Feel free to ask your queries in the comments in case if you face any issue while working on any of these projects. Also, tell us how much you liked this article. Did you enjoy reading it? Did you work on any of these projects, and if yes, how was your experience? You are also welcome to share any images of your completed woodwork projects.
Share this article with your friends on Facebook, who you think might like to read it as well.