31) An “All You Need To Know Manual” About Bat Boxes

For those who want to have enough reason to build bat houses, the material on the website where this bat house plan can be found is worth checking out.
It provides basic information about bat houses, such as the benefits of making one, types of bat boxes, considerations before one starts constructing it, areas where it is optimal to place the bat box, and even monitoring the bat box.
We also liked that this material provided additional resources when it comes to batting conservation and even constructing bat houses. This will allow anyone to become more proficient in making the bat houses and support more groups who have the same goal.
Another thing to note in this website is that it provides a bat house plan for making the Kent bat box. It has the same function as the usual bat house but has a slightly different look.
32) Bat House In A Roof

The information found on their website is helpful to those who live in Florida and would want to make a bat house. The facts presented in it are applicable to the needs of the local bat species, making the material in it more of a scientific paper rather than material for enticing others to also make their own bat house.
A pole mounted bat box is also a good design for those who live in this state and would like to contribute to providing a home for bats. For those who want to properly construct bat houses that will be placed in a pole, instructions can be found in their website and PDF guide.
33) Installing A Gable Vent Bat House

Sometimes, bats find their way into human homes. After all, there are areas in the house (such as the vents) which are conducive for them to live in.
If one of these flying mammals got in your home and you want to evict them in a gentle manner, using a gable vent can help you accomplish this. Using this will also give bats a modern-looking and sturdy home to stay in.
You can also construct this kind of bat house by checking this PDF guide that you can download from their website.
The ingenious design of this bat house and its ability to remove bats in one’s home are important factors that made me include this in my list of bat house plans that are worth copying.
34) Simple Addition For A Better-Looking Bat House

The website where this project appeared is able to provide a basic bat house plan that is friendly to newbies. But it is also surprising to see that she was able to transform the look of her bat house to become more appealing and avoid looking plain.
The addition of the trim to the outside body gave it a better look. Aside from that, the small Batman emblem gave it some variety due to its contrasting color.
Although there steps in making the bat house is not enumerated, she gave the exact measurements that should be followed in order to successfully replicate it. She also relayed her experience while making the box, which could be useful for some so that they can prepare for certain phases in the project that she found to be challenging.
Her recommendations for each phase of the project are also appreciated. Definitely deserves a spot in our list.
35) Making An Uncle George Bat Box

If you want to make a bat house that has a significantly different look but nevertheless fulfills its function is the so-called Uncle George bat box.
This kind of box is said to be small enough and easy to mount, easy to build, and is more likely to be inhabited by common bat species such as little brown bats and California myotis.
Though the instructions found on their website are not specific, it isn’t that difficult to figure out, especially since a photo of the finished product and some measurements are provided.
36) Bat Box That Looks Like Batman’s Cape

If you are great with cutting wood aside from straight lines, this project is for you!
This project is similar to what we already have on the list. The only difference is how the body of the bat house looks like.
You can also make this project by visiting their website.
What made this project interesting (and challenging) would be the cutting the angles just to get the desired look. This process can be time-consuming even if one has the right tools to do it.
Despite the challenge, the maker of this bat box still provides us with tips on how to make the cuts smooth and make it possible even for beginners to replicate.
This is definitely something that is worth trying once you get comfortable with making smaller bat houses.
37) Another Lady-Made Bat House

If you think that DIY bat houses can only be made by males, you are mistaken. This simple bat house was delicately made by a woman.
What we liked about her article is that she is generous with the pictures while she was making the bat house. This will prove to be very helpful for beginners who want to keep track of each step.
She also did a good job providing an explanation for each step. With this kind of presentation, one can execute each step correctly – this truly deserves a place on our list.
38) Basic Garden Bat House

The website where the photos above were found did a good job of providing the instructions for making a bat house. Aside from that, they also provided links to other websites that can give more directions on how to construct a bat house.
We also liked how it is provided encouragement to readers of the website when it comes to making a bat house.
The website owner specifically mentioned how bat houses did not require too much material, time and skill. This statement will give its readers the reassurance that they can successfully complete this project.
39) Brief Bat House Making Guide

The website where this bat house photo was found provides very brief information on how to make a bat house. However, this website will surely catch the attention of its readers because it provided tips about the craft to anyone who is into bat house making.
For those who are new to making a bat house, the tips that they have provided are useful so that the resulting bat house will be sturdy. It also gave great tips on where and how to properly install the bat house so that it will be inhabited.
40) A DIY Bat House From The DIY Doctor

Yet another website that provides a basic and well-discussed material on making a bat house is the one provided by the DIY Doctor.
What we liked about this website is that it provided complete information and presented it in a manner that is easy to understand.
This will make it easy even for starters to make their own bat house!
It also provided additional information in the form of tips on how to position the bat house. This complete guide from preparation, construction, to installation is appealing to anyone who is still new to this DIY project.
Those reasons are enough for the website to be part of our list.