41) A Simple Bat House And Pup Catcher

The website where the photos above came from also has a long article that provided an in-depth discussion on bat houses. One new topic related to bat houses that it has discussed is the addition of a pup catcher on bat houses.
Aside from the photo above, the website also provided a brief discussion on how it was made. This is a great addition to any bat house where the young also resides.
The numerous topics and two guides that it provides to readers make it a great source for anyone who is interested to build a bat house and improve it once the mother bats gave birth to the young.
This minor improvement but important addition to the usual bat house makes it informative enough to be included in this list.
42) Reclaimed Pallet Bat House

For those who want to start this project right away but don’t want to spend too much just to do so, this DIY plan is the perfect guide!
Aside from the fact that anyone can easily get hold of the material for the body of this bat house just by asking stores if they have spare pallet wood, it’s a great way to contribute to the recycling efforts of others.
For people who already have DIY tools, this kind of project can be done almost for free! Your precious time and expertise in making the bat house are more than enough for this noble purpose.
In following this plan, one should be mindful of the wood sizes. You can save more time if the crates that you can find already have the sizes and shapes that are specified in the guide; otherwise, some time should be spent cutting them.
43) Repurposed Pallet Bat House

Similar to what was previously discussed, this bat house made use of pallet wood.
In the PDF guide found on the website, the maker presented the material just as he was relaying a story. The presentation may be different, but he was still able to provide all the necessary steps so that we can also re-create it if we also have the same materials.
It’s also good to know that one downside of using pallet wood is that it is heavier than plywood or other types of wood that can be bought in the store. This only means that aside from the construction, mounting it in a pole or building can also be challenging.
The imagination of the maker gave this bat house its unique design and should be commended as well. It may have followed the general guidelines in making a bat house, but its interior is different from the usual.
44) Detailed Two Chamber Rocket Box

Yes, we know that we already included a two chamber rocket box guide in one of our items above. But we believe that this website also deserves a spot on our list.
This website is worth adding to our list because it provides more information on how to construct this kind of bat house. It even gave detailed steps on how each section of the bat box should be constructed.
The tips for improving the chances of the bat house to be inhabited are also helpful for any beginners. No bat house maker wants to see the house that they’ve made empty, as it only implies that their effort was useless.
45) Building A Bat House For Protection Against Illness

Aside from giving bats a home, the bat house can also give protection to them so that they won’t contract white-nose syndrome.
Though the instructions on this website isn’t that unique, it still does provide the instructions in a manner that is easy to understand.
Another new thing mentioned on this website is that it recommended the use of metal roofing. As long as the roof doesn’t rust easily, this material can be used for a more durable roof for the bat house.
It’s also great to know that the presence of hornets is harmful to bats. Thus, it is the responsibility of the bat house maker to also check if there is a hornet infestation or invasion.
The new information that it provides to everyone who is interested in making a bat house are enough reasons for us to include it in the list.
46) Bat House Guide From Construction To Installation

Aside from the unique looking traditional bat house that the website has presented, our attention was also caught by the precise description of the steps in making the bat house.
Even though pictures aren’t that plenty, the website owner made sure that all details are presented in a manner that can easily be followed. From the measurements of each wood piece up to how those pieces should be put together, the steps are easy to follow even without visual guide provided by pictures.
The website also discussed how this bat house can be mounted correctly in a pole, which is something that many websites leave out.
It’s because of these details that I’ve considered including it in our list.
47) Small Bat House Guide
Despite the small size of the guide found in their website, what’s surprising about this bat house type is that it has enough space for at least 80 bats to inhabit it.
Another great thing that we saw with this guide is its handiness. All information that you’ll need to make a bat house can be found on one page!
We also noticed in this bat house guide that it used a fiberglass window screen in its landing plate. This material is known for being sturdy, which is exactly what we want our bat house to be.
48) 14 Chamber Aluminum Bat House
For those who have some money to spare in order to create a bat box, aluminum can be used as a material. What’s more, it is possible to make 14 chambers using this material!
This aluminum bat house isn’t made of aluminum all throughout. From what can be seen in the guide, the aluminum only serves as the shell, and this bat house still uses wood for its chambers.
What’s great about this bat house is that it provides enough protection to bats, seeing that wood bat houses need some form of maintenance.
Since weather-proof aluminum can be used, there is less worry that the wood can be damaged if it is exposed to the elements.
These benefits in mind are enough to earn its spot on our list.
49) Bat House Construction Guide For Microbats

For those who live in Australia, their way of constructing a bat house isn’t that different. After all, these bats could have the same requirements.
However, what’s different with this region is that they have different species of bats compared to other countries such as Canada or the US.
In the website, you can find links on how to construct a bat house for these bat species.
Although the photo guides don’t have too much text, it has enough drawings that could make it easier for some to understand how it can be made. It also shows the different panels that will be used in the construction of the house and what the dimensions of each panel should be.
It is because of its possible unique structure for a unique bat species that made it earn the spot in this list.
50) Complete PDF Guide For Making A Bat House

Although the PDF guide in this website is quite long, what we liked about it is that the file is able to provide complete information as to how a good quality bat box should be made.
For each step of the process, pictures are provided in the PDF guide. The textual explanation can also be seen.
This is exactly the material that beginners in bat house making needs! With this kind of guide, it’s as if there is an actual person who can be there with them as they make the bat house.
It even provides basic information about guano sizes and comparing it with mice droppings. This will ensure the bat house maker that what he made is indeed inhabited by bats, not rats.