We all want a nice and comfortable home for our furry friends. While there are ready-to-use dog houses sold online and in pet stores, we want a personalized dog house that is unique and specially made for our pets.
A beautiful dog house makes your dog happy and feels safe in his own haven. Let’s find out the best Dog House DIY Plans today!
1) Dog House With a Beautiful Porch

This DIY plan is ideal for any size of dog because of its enough lounging space with plenty of coverage against elements. If you want a sturdy and beautiful dog house, you might want to consider building this dog house plan. It is relatively simple to build and comfortable to your favorite pet.
When it comes to the construction plan, the builder used 5/4 x 6 x 8 inches deck floor boards, cut them in half and are made secure with deck screws for a 2 x 4 a-frame for the roof. You can buy eight 1 x 4 x 8 inches pressure-treated boards like what the builder did and you can attach them to the floor base perimeter and the front and back of the dog house roof. For the walls, cut the 4′ x 4′ composite sheets into a half, making two 2′ x 4′ sheets, thus matching the “A-roof”.
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2) DIY Cute Dog House Made of Surplus Dining Table

This is a DIY cute and classic dog house plan that is made of the surplus dining table. It was handed down from the builder’s grandmother in law that has been accommodating the space for a long time. It was taken apart and made into a very cute dog house. The pieces for the base were cut to size. They were formed into a square. A jigsaw was used in creating this dog house. The front part and back portion were put together using screws and glue.
The finished product was so impressive with great workmanship. The story behind this dog house is that the builder did not really want a dog but he compromised with the person who wants a dog and made a dog house, which turned out to be a cute dog house. If you have an old table stored in your garage or attic, you might want to also try following this dog house plan.
Helpful Link:https://imgur.com/a/mjfBd
3) Modern Dog House

This is a modern dog house plan resembling a super cute and tiny house. Your dog will surely have enough room to move around. If you have a larger dog, pay close attention to the dimensions. This dog house is recommended for small and medium-sized dogs. You may consider this dog house for your blue-nosed pitbull.
The materials you’ll need for this project include 5/8 inches plywood, 18 inches x 24 inches acrylic sheet, 1 x 2 inches furring stript, paint, pallet wood, liquid nails, and 4 x 4 pressure-treated posts. The tools you need include a miter saw, circular saw, and nail gun. This modern dog house is relatively easy to build provided that you have the materials complete and appropriate tools available. Your dog will surely love to stay in his new home comfortably and with a sense of style that other dogs will surely envy.
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4) Dog House with a Light by Modern Builds

This dog house has a light on the outside porch area. It’s creative, fun, and adorable. It’s a small dog house with a front porch, adding a porch light on a space. Your dog will definitely feel secure because of the added light. The supplies and materials you will need include ¾ plywood sheets (2), cedar shingles (1 pack), pallet wood, 2 x 4 trim (1), solar light (1), and Admiral Blue Paint.
First, you need to cut the plywood using a circular saw using a ¾ inches plywood in straight edge pieces. Find the roof angle, cutting the circular saw on two side pieces. Next, cut the door using a jigsaw. Put the pieces together, providing more room using adhesive and more wood for nailing. To make this dog house weather tight, you can use a silicone caulk to join the 2 boards. Protect the roof using cedar shingles.
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5) Cartoonish Dog House

This is a fun and cartoonish dog house. It is abstract and simple to build. If you want t unique and comfortable dog house for your furry friend, you might want to follow this plan. The materials you’ll need include exterior plywood (2 ½ sheets), 8 feet board, PH screws, finish nails, wood glue, and wood screws. Check the exact dimensions on the plan using the links below. Provided here is a simple video on how to build a dog house too.
It is important to read the entire plan as well as the comments prior to starting this project. Build smartly and safely by taking all the necessary precautions. Before attaching the screws, you need to pre-drill the holes. For a stronger hold, you can use a glue and finished nails. Be sure to wipe extra glue to avoid staining the wood. After completing this project, your dog will surely love the groove and fun effects, giving him superior comfort and style.
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6) Rocky’s Tropical or Summer Dog House

This DIY tropical dog house is perfect if you live close to water or you have a dog that really loves going to the beach or having a vacation. It will work for any dog size since this was originally intended for a large dog. The builder used bamboo to capture the essence of a tropical or summer dog house looks. It has a greenhouse that is cool and tropical. Your dog will surely love the Hawaiian feel of this cute and comfortable dog house.
You can consider this as a little hut with an impressive artificial turf placed on the porch area. It has a foam padding, nameplate, and a comfortable bedding inside. The entire dog house is lifted off the ground several inches by bamboo feet. If you have a lot of rain, this stilted dog house is the best way to go.
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7) Cute Geometric Dog House by Home Made Modern

Have you seen a geometric greenhouse? You probably have but maybe not of a geometric dog house. You’re lucky because you can now make a geometric-doghouse for your puppy. These are recommended for smaller dogs. The instructions are clear and easy-to-follow. But of course, the dimensions may differ depending on the size of your dog.
The supplies and materials you need to prepare to make this cute dog house include the following: sanded plywood, 4′ x 8′ sheet of birch veneer plywood (¼ inch). You can have them cut into 14 inches wide strips at Home Depot. You also need 2x2s and 2x3s to make the dog house angled support blocks. The tools you’ll need are 18 Volt Cordless Drill and Circular Saw. For the construction, the triangles must be the same height as a sitting dog. Contact information is provided on the link given below for more details.
Helpful Link:http://www.homemade-modern.com/ep13-geometric-doghouse/
8) Adorable Puppy Camper Dog House

This is a Shasta-style and adorable puppy camper that started out as a personal challenge and a labor of love. The builder has been a woodworker for several years and earns a living building musical instruments. This dog house was inspired by old camper trailers. This was given as a gift to his wife as a birthday present. It’s really kind and sweet!
This puppy camper was designed for indoor use only up to 30 pounds to fit 3 to 5 rescued dogs. It took the builder to explore the camper. Your dog will be sleeping inside the covers instead of the outside. It is basically constructed of Baltic Birch Plywood or high-quality cabinet plywood. You can add aluminum flashing for a metallic look. The grain runs in a single direction. The top of the dog house is comprised of 2 layers of bending plywood that is laminated with glue.
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9) Basic Dog House

This is a very basic dog house that is easy to build. It has a floor above the ground to avoid water from entering. You need to keep the floor raised to avoid exposing your pet from the chilly ground, most especially in the cold winter days. This dog house plan is created for small or average-sized dogs. However, you are free to scale the size larger or smaller as needed to accommodate the size of your furry friend. The dog house must be big enough to fully stand up and move around. A smaller built basic dog house allows heating by the body heat of your own dog, helping your pooch stay warm in winter months.
The materials and tools you need to build this dog house include an exterior wood siding, nails, measuring tape, wood stain or paint, square, hammer, table saw, circular saw, paintbrush, painters tape, and dusk mask.
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10) Handyman Tips DIY Free Dog House Plan

Your dog deserves a comfortable home. However, dog houses are costly and poorly built. You can save money with a DIY or personalized dog house and build a sturdy and high-quality home for your dog to protect him from the sun, rain, and snow. This can be easily transported whenever and wherever you like. The dimensions are in expressed millimeters intended for dogs under 60 centimeters of height. For bigger dogs, you need to scale the dimensions to best suit your dog’s needs.
You’ll need to use 8 millimeters of thick plywood. The floor dimensions measure 97 by 75 centimeters, so you’ll need 2 boards for the floor. You’ll need 2 by 2 centimeters planks for the frames. The builder used 2 centimeters thick styrofoam. You can assemble the frame then insert the styrofoam boards in the doghouse frame. The side panels are constructed the same way like the floor panel.
Helpful Link:http://www.handymantips.org/diy-dog-house/