
Via 4 YouTube
Decorate your outdoors with this easy pallet Christmas tree. This is simple as it does not require you to disassemble the pallet planks after cutting the pallet wood. Brighten your front steps with a simple cutting tool and some Christmas lights.

Via 7 YouTube
If woodworking is not your forte, this simple tree pallet is your best option. Lightly paint your pallet with your color of choice and then add the Christmas lights and ornaments to it and then you’re done. No more cutting or sanding. This simple plan will make decorating your home for the Christmas holiday fast and easy.

Via 8 YouTube
This pallet Christmas tree uses smaller spacing to achieve the branch effect of a tree. You can achieve this look by cutting a triangular shape from the pallet wood but assembling it with smaller spacing for the planks.

Via 9 YouTube
This pallet Christmas tree is framed at the back with a triangulated pallet planks. Several pallet planks are then laid out side by side over the frame before cutting it to shape. If you already have disassembled planks, this DIY is relatively easy to craft.

Via 10 YouTube
Each of this DIY uses one pallet each but differs greatly in the output. In comparison to a standard triangular cut from DIY projects, the layout for the planks alternates the length used to create a truer to tree effect.
Christmas trees can get expensive especially near the holiday season. So, opting to make your own is a very practical decision. While having a natural skill is great, woodworking DIY can be learned over time.
Experience is still the greater teacher. Keep on practicing and have patience. Not all projects may turn out well as you want them to be but that’s just the process.
Disassembly of the pallet will be a must as you will need the slats for this project. It will be easier if you have a reciprocating saw or a Sawzall but can be done without one nonetheless.
How did you like our list today? Make sure to tell us in the comments. Also, if you’d like to know more DIY wooden pallet ideas, you should check our other articles.