11) Mountain Bluebird Nest Box

The Mountain Bluebird Nest Box is a simple bluebird nest box using the following materials:
- Standard 1 by 6 inches nominal (27 inches long)
- Standard board 1 by 8 inches nominal (24 inches long)
- Standard board 1 by 10 inches nominal (11 inches long)
- Long cutter 1 9/16 inches diameter
- 1 ¾ inch galvanized nails (20)
- 1 ¾ galvanized screw for pivot point (2)
- Double-headed nail to hold the door closed (1)
To hold the door closed with the nail, drill hole through the front and side of the door. Below the entrance on both sides can make scratched into the wood with a nail for climbing traction.
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12) Nest-Box Plan for Western & Mountain Bluebirds

The Nest-Box Plan for Western & Mountain Bluebirds is a fairly easy nest box to build. It has a large roof that can provide extra protection against rain, strong wind, and predators. Any novice carpenter can start building a nest box following this bluebird house plan. The pdf format is easy to follow and very clear. The materials you’ll need to build this nest box include the following (cut from wood ¾inch thick):
- Top (width x height) 9 × 9 inches
- Front 6½ × 10½ inches
- Back 6½ × 14 inches
- Sides (2) 5 × 11¼ inches
- Bottom 5 × 5 inches
When it comes to the hole diameter the measurement follows:
- 1½ inch for Western Bluebirds
- 1⁹⁄₁₆ inch for Mountain Bluebirds
This bluebird house plan was printed with the permission from Bluebirds Forever by Toops in 1994.
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13) Eastern Bluebird House Plan

This nest-box plan is ideal for the cavity-nesting songbirds. It can be used also for Eastern Bluebirds, titmice, flycatchers, chickadees, swallows, wrens, and nuthatches. This blue nest box plan will most likely attract bluebirds. The most essential element is creating the correct hole size of the entrance, most especially to get rid of larger pest birds like starlings from using the nest box.
If you want a round entrance hole, the eastern bluebird box should have 1 1/2-inch in diameter and 1 9/16 inches for western and mountain bluebirds. An Eastern bluebird house should also have a 1 3/8 by 2 1/4 inches vertical oval hole or a 1 1/8-inch sparrow-resistant slot entrance (horizontal ) at the top front of the nest box. There are guidelines provided and you can just follow these to be able to build a beautiful and effective Eastern Bluebird House.
Helpful Link: http://www.birdwatching-bliss.com/support-files/bird-house-plans-cavity-nesting.pdf
14) Gourd Birdhouses

Gourd birdhouses are popularly used for attracting Purple Martins. They can also attract other bird species such as bluebirds, wrens, finches, nuthatches, woodpeckers, chickadees, and swallows. They may serve a dual purpose such as feeders when the birds have finished the nesting season. This is a very unique birdhouse.
Growing your own gourds is a good idea and then dry them out later on. You can also purchase natural gourds that are already cleaned and dried with a hole already cut out and just ready to hang up. Another cheap option is to purchase dried gourd but not washed yet. Anyway, you just need a steel wool to clean it. DIY gourd birdhouses is a fun thing to do and the result is a beautiful gourd-shape birdhouse. Of course, the hole size of your gourd birdhouse varies depending on the bird species you want to attract.
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15) Free American Robin and Eastern Phoebe Bird House Plans

The Eastern Phoebes and American Robins often build their bird nests on ledges. These plans can help attract these birds so you can enjoy watching their nesting cycle. These birdhouse plans are also used to attract barn swallows. Use the open platform Robin and Phoebe bird house plans consisting of the floor with a border around it with a piece located in the back for attachment. It can be used under eaves, porches, and shelters.
Mourning doves, barn swallows, cardinals, and blue jays may also nest on this platform. These birdhouse plans can offer good protection to birds against harsh weather conditions. There are beautiful nesting shelves for Robin and Phoebe that you can mount under your house’s eave, garage overhang, porch roof, or barn.
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16) Free American Kestrel Nest Box Plans

American Kestrels use natural cavities or even old holes which are made by woodpeckers. By building a nice Kestrel nest box, it’s a great way to help the American Kestrel local population. When it comes to the floor plan, the recommendation of the maker is least 8 by 10 inches to 12 by 12 inches.
When it comes to the hole size, the recommendation is 3 inches. The height range should be 9 to 12 inches. The top of the hole should be 12 to 15 inches. For birds to be able to wiggle insider, the height of the box should be 14 to 18 inches. For the roof, you can choose a flat roof, sloping ad overhang, or flush roof. A sloped roof helps in shedding the rain better as compared to a flat roof. Overhanging roofs prevent water from entering the box better as compared to flush roofs.
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17) Wren House Plans

These wren house plans are relatively easy to follow, so you can use these to build your own wren birdhouse. You can increase the chances of attracting more wren birds to use the nest box if you follow the specifications and steps on these plans. The hole size is very important because the diameter determines the bird species that can enter and use the nest box.
For wrens, you can make a nest box with a hole diameter of 1 1/8-inch which is large enough to attract black-capped chickadees. On the other hand, a 1 1/4-inch hole attracts White-breasted Nuthatches and Carolina Wrens to use the nest box. It allows house sparrows to enter too. If there’s no issue of house sparrows in your area, you may want to begin with a bigger hole size, like 1 1/4-inch diameter, otherwise, just stick with the recommended 1 1/8-inch hole.
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18) Birdhouse Designs

Birdhouse designs are used in building your very own backyard nest box. The design of birdhouse you need choose is important in knowing the birds you can use or no use in your next box. Birds don’t really care about the color of the birdhouse because birds want a nest box provides shelter, protecting their eggs as well as their nestlings from predators and weather. Another important factor is the placement and location of the birdhouse, as well as the dimensions and holes size.
Most birdhouses have sloped roof, four walls, and floor with one entrance hole. It’s also nice to have one side wall lifted up on a pivot for monitoring and cleaning. There are holes for the wood and drainage should be untreated an. The wood should be thick enough and untreated, providing insulation from hot and cold temperatures. You can check this birdhouse design to have an idea how to build a nice birdhouse.
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19) Andy’s Free Bird House Plans

Andy’s Free Bird House Plans provide different plans for birdhouses suitable for bluebirds, flickers, phoebes, purple martins, and wrens. The website offers plans and instructions for building birdhouses suitable for various types of birds like how to use them, encouraging the protection as well as the study of birds. These free birdhouse plans include:
- Bluebird birdhouse building plan
- Phoebe birdhouse building plan
- Flicker birdhouse building plan
- Woodpecker birdhouse building plan
- Purple Martin birdhouse building plan
- Wrens birdhouse building plan
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20) Andy’s Bluebird House Plan

The Andy’s Bluebird House Plan is ideal for wrens and bluebirds. It is recommended for swallows. This nest house plan has a deeper cavity. This plan is essential after the nice woodpecker model, which is suitable for bluebirds. Cleaning is made easier by releasing the hooks to help fasten the nest box to the base. The thickness of the lumber is 3/4 inch. The website provides the diagram of the birdhouse plan for bluebirds.
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