Construct Your Own Sectional Rabbit Hutch

44 Rabbit Hutch DIY Plans

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  1. 1) Construct your own sectional rabbit hutch
  2. 2) Single Rabbit Hutch
  3. 3) Simple and spacious rabbit hutch
  4. 4) Outdoor rabbit hutch
  5. 5) Rabbit hutch fashioned like a chicken coop
  6. 6) Rabbit hutch that can even fit someone inside!
  7. 7) Rabbit hutch and tractor in one
  8. 8) Make your rabbits live in a condo
  9. 9) The complete tutorial for building the rabbit hutch in one website
  10. 10) Three chamber rabbit hutch
  11. 11) DIY elevated rabbit hutch
  12. 12) Pallet rabbit hutch
  13. 13) Rabbit hutch or thin materials
  14. 14) Rabbit hutch with an A-frame
  15. 15) Rabbit hutch inside your home
  16. 16) Converting a shelf into a rabbit hutch
  17. 17) An old dresser makes the ideal rabbit hutch
  18. 18) Combining PVC and wood to make a rabbit hutch
  19. 19) Nicely made rabbit hutch
  20. 20) Small rabbit hutch
  21. 21) Indoor rabbit hutch on wheels
  22. 22) Movable rabbit hutch with a bottom compartment
  23. 23) Triangular rabbit hutch that’s easy to move
  24. 24) Small and secure triangular hutch
  25. 25) Mobile rabbit hutch inside your home
  26. 26) Rabbit hutch tutorial for the detail-oriented woodworker
  27. 27) Basic rabbit hutch plan and the science behind it
  28. 28) Turn your end table into a rabbit hutch
  29. 29) Outdoor rabbit condo
  30. 30) General rabbit hutch guide
  31. 31) An inexpensive way to make a rabbit hutch
  32. 32) Discussion before the rabbit hutch instruction
  33. 33) Simple rabbit hutch plan for the total beginner
  34. 34) Rabbit hutch with poop catcher
  35. 35) Trial and error rabbit hutch
  36. 36) Converting the old dresser into a prestigious-looking rabbit hutch
  37. 37) Movable rabbit hutch from an old dresser
  38. 38) Easy instructions to build your rabbit’s hutch
  39. 39) Rabbit hutch plans for all skill levels
  40. 40) Small rabbit condo for your pet
  41. 41) Indoor rabbit hutch using IKEA furniture
  42. 42) Lighted ceiling and tiled floors rabbit hutch
  43. Conclusion

31) An inexpensive way to make a rabbit hutch

If the number of rabbits that you’re taking care of is getting larger, it’s highly possible that you’ll also have problems with your expenses for making rabbit hutches. Here is a solution to that problem.

The maker of this tutorial provided the steps in making a rabbit hutch that can be built easily and is less expensive than before.

The steps he laid out on his website are indeed easy to follow, even for newbies in woodworking. No complicated terms and all instructions are written in short sentences.

He also divided the instructions based on the parts of the rabbit hutch. Once everything is constructed, it will eventually be assembled based on the steps mentioned in the last part.

Photos are also provided for each step, but you’ll need to go to their image gallery for those.

These qualities are enough for this tutorial to be mentioned in our list.

32) Discussion before the rabbit hutch instruction

Yes, the general process of building rabbit hutches are all the same. However, there are certain differences such as the size, where the rabbit hutch should be placed, or even the material to be used.

If you’re also wondering about those things, then this is a great read for you.

Before going to the rabbit hutch plan, they first touched on some areas related to it such as where it should be placed, if it’s better to use a wire cage and others.

Though the discussion appears to be going well for wire cages, wood is eventually used. You still need wood for making the rabbit hutch, as indicated in the section where the materials are enumerated.

The website did not present numbered instructions as to how to make the whole hutch. However, they did provide instructions per part, which is just as useful as the typical presentation of steps.

33) Simple rabbit hutch plan for the total beginner

Need to construct a rabbit hutch but you’ve never had an experience in woodworking? This rabbit hutch plan could get you started with the craft.

What’s great with this tutorial is that it’s beginner-friendly. Just looking at how the instructions are delivered, even those who have no knowledge about woodworking will still be able to follow it.

The rabbit hutch plan is also specific in the sizes of the wood and how they are assembled as you progress in making the project. This kind of presentation makes it easier to understand what needs to be done.

As for the finished product, it can be seen that this rabbit hutch has two doors – one is at the section with the wire mesh, while the other is at the front of the covered side. This will allow you to get to your pet in case you need to give it food.

34) Rabbit hutch with poop catcher

Rabbit Hutch With Poop Catcher

Getting and bringing home a pet is the easy part. However, it can be a hassle for some to clean their pet, especially if their pet needs to poop.

This rabbit hutch will help you avoid the hassle of that task.

This hutch is designed with a catcher of your pet’s droppings at the bottom of the cage. What makes this different from others is that the catcher is redirected to a container where all of their droppings are collected.

Yes, this still requires some clean-up. But with the catcher, you can afford to reduce the frequency that you’ll need to clean up, as you’ll only need to clean when the container is almost full.

The tutorial appears more like a gallery that shows how each phase of the project is done. Despite the lack of written instruction, the photos are still a great guide in building the rabbit hutch.

35) Trial and error rabbit hutch

Trial And Error Rabbit Hutch

Some woodworkers are brave enough to experiment so that they can create something. This rabbit hutch is a product of that trial and error process.

Lucky for its readers, they’ve somehow laid out the general process in making this rabbit hutch. This will serve as a guide so that they can get on with the project at least with some direction.

Even if the instructions provided on the website is quite general, one can still figure out what was done to create this project. That’s because the maker did a great job in documenting their work using photos.

Another great thing about this rabbit hutch plan is that they were able to make it without any power tools to cut the wood and stuck with the old hand saw.

Their method may not be advisable for beginners, but it still worked fine. They deserve to be part of our list.

36) Converting the old dresser into a prestigious-looking rabbit hutch

Converting The Old Dresser Into A Prestigious Looking Rabbit Hutch

Want to build a rabbit hutch quickly? A good technique to follow is to use an old wooden furniture and convert it into one.

This is exactly what the maker of this rabbit hutch did, and her design is worth appreciating. After all, this is not just a rabbit hutch; the top part is also a drawer that can be used for her stuff.

Though unconventional, this rabbit hutch is spacious enough for her pets to enjoy and hop around. There’s also no problem in getting the pets out, as the center panels serve as a wide door.

The instructions on her website are somewhat lacking. Most of the words found are just based on her experiences and just a general idea of what she did to achieve what she wants.

However, what she lacks in written instructions were made up of photos that show the progress of her work.

37) Movable rabbit hutch from an old dresser

Movable Rabbit Hutch From An Old Dresser

Converting the dresser into a rabbit hutch was taken to the next level with this plan. Not only is this an indoor rabbit hutch, but it’s also one with wheels.

Since this is made from the repurposed dresser, there’s no need to buy wood to make it. However, the maker ensured that this is made from solid wood and has the right size needed by his pet.

The maker did not go into the specifics of how the rabbit hutch ended up looking like it did now. However, he did point out the steps that he took to change its look and turn it into an actual rabbit hutch.

What’s good about this rabbit hutch is that the most bottom drawer is used to contain the essentials for taking care of the pet such as food. The drawer just below the hutch is used to catch its droppings for easier cleaning.

38) Easy instructions to build your rabbit’s hutch

Store-made rabbit hutch can be quite costly, especially if you’re quite picky with what you want it to look like. If this is the case, then it’s best if you just learn how to make it.

This tutorial will help you do just that.

Although it is recommended that you make a rabbit hutch based on what you have in mind, it still provided a size for the wooden parts of the hutch. This is a great starting point for beginners who just want to make the hutch and don’t want to bother with those details.

The instructions are also written in a way that’s easy to digest. Even if the steps are not numbered, they are arranged in a manner that you can’t do the next step without doing the previous one.

There are also small tips that one needs to mindful of while they’re making the rabbit hutch.

39) Rabbit hutch plans for all skill levels

Rabbits may like being outdoors, but their body is quite frail and their health might be affected if they’re exposed to extreme elements. Thus, the need for a rabbit hutch.

For this rabbit hutch plan, both beginners and skilled woodworkers will benefit from it.

For beginners, the construction steps are short but clear. It also provides complete details for the materials list and the size of each piece needed in building it.

Those who are skilled enough can also benefit from it. There’s a diagram that shows how the rabbit hutch should be constructed.

Though the diagram does not provide any written instructions, they can still figure it out and make the expected final output. Now, they’ll be able to provide their pet shelter against the elements.

With all of these benefits, this rabbit hutch plan deserves to be mentioned in our list.

40) Small rabbit condo for your pet

Small Rabbit Condo For Your Pet

Regardless of the dresser’s size, it can still be repurposed. Just like this one, wherein it is converted into a rabbit condo.

Since it is a rabbit condo, there’s still a need for some wood pieces installed inside.

What’s great with this rabbit hutch plan is that it provided complete details on how they’re able to turn this old dresser into a functional hutch for their pet. This will be a great help to beginners who are not yet ready to create something from scratch but needs to give their pet a place to stay.

Aside from the instructions being written clearly, those are also accompanied by photos. It’s as if the website owner is showing you how each step should be done, and that your work should look like what’s in the photo.

Because of all those positive points, it needs to be mentioned in our list.