11) Table Saw Router Fence

This is a table saw and router table that looks like it was professionally made. Woodworking, after all, is more than just a hobby. It could become a worthwhile endeavor if you are able to construct different projects and work on different jobs. One way to enhance your skills as a woodworker is to have an efficient and fully-featured router table.
With this table, you will be able to work on different projects with ease. The large tabletop offers plenty of room even for large workpieces. This has s wide fence and different features to let you cut, shape and work on different patterns and shapes. This table router also has plenty of cabinet space to let you store your tools, router parts, and accessories and for hand tools as well.
12) Cheap and Easy Storage Router Table

If you don’t have enough space for a large router table or router cabinet or you work on a worksite then this cheap router table version is for you. The router is attached to a very low base which can be placed on top of a working table or bench. The table height is just as tall as the router body but has a very durable top.
The router tip sits at the middle of the table while a large fence keeps the workpiece in line. The back of the fence, directly over the router tip is where the dust port is located. A hose attachment of a shop vac can fit in this hole to allow the vac to collect dust and dirt as you work.
This router table is very light and transportable. You can use this on your shop, garage or take it anywhere you wish to work.
13) Woodworking Table

This router table is made of very simple parts and looks very easy to make as well. It simply consists of just the table top or working area where the router tip is seen, the router fence and a pressure jig.
This table looks small on the photo but actually, it offers more room than ever with a large area on the back where the fence can move back; this lets you accommodate larger workpieces and gives you more room to move about.
The table here has tall legs which are as tall as a workbench. An optional cabinet design is also available wherein two cabinet doors are constructed at the bottom of the table/ the cabinet doors open to reveal dedicated storage for different items, accessories, and tools.
Drawers are also found inside to further house more tools, measuring devices and more. This is an easy project that will surely make a good addition to your workshop wish list.
14) The DIY Router Table

If you want a simple router table design then this is the one for you. This DIY router table design is just a table top with the router and attachments and a simple sturdy table. The table top has the router tip at the middle, a wide fence and a pressure jig.
The back of the fence is a vacuum port where you can attach a hose connected to your vacuum to remove dust. A plastic guard to protect your eyes is found at the top of the router tip. The table top looks sturdy and large enough to hold large workpieces.
The table is a bit shorter than most router tables but it does its job well. It is strong, with large legs and has a bonus tool and material area to let you take a few tools and accessories with you. This is truly an easy build and you can expect this to be done even in a day.
15) The Country Classic Router Table

Why build just a table when you can have a table and cabinet in one? This is a classic router table cabinet with a country feel. It has a tabletop with the router tip in the middle, a pressure jig at the front and a movable fence at the back.
A large cabinet with plenty of storage is found at the bottom of the table. Tall drawers are found on each side where you can place large tools. Small drawers are in front and an extra-large drawer at the bottom also offers more space. This table does not have a dust port though. You need to remove dust manually.
This is a router table that will not just help you cut and shape wood but will also help you store accessories and router parts as well. This is also a lovely cabinet that will spice up your working area and workshop in no time.
16) Router Table and Organizer

This is a simple router table plus organizer that will not just help you become a more efficient woodworker but also a very organized one. This router table design plan will teach you how to design a table and cabinet router. The table top has a moderately-large table top with a router tip area in the middle of the desk.
The router tip was installed in the middle of a glass surface; this helps you check your router for any problems. The fence is wide with a slot in the middle for the dust port. A vacuum hose fits at the back of this port to remove dust and dirt fast.
And don’t forget the amount of storage that this cabinet has! It has drawers left and right plus a large cabinet at the bottom for larger tools. You can keep this cabinet simple or paint it any color you want; it is an easy cabinet design that will surely jazz up and organize your workstation.
17) Trash Can Router Table

This has got to be one of the simplest router table designs you will ever find online. This router has been fastened on a piece of lumber with a fence found at the back to keep the workpiece in place. Instead of legs, this router has an old trash can to hold it. Screws on each side of the wooden platform will fasten it on the side of the can where the handles are.
The router table is very simple. The router tool was fastened at the bottom with sturdy braces. The tip protrudes at the middle and the fence has an opening in the middle where the tip is along with a port for a vacuum hose to fit in.
The can hold the table well but may not be that sturdy. The trick is to place a sandbag inside to keep it from moving. And to make things neat, make a hole at the bottom of the can where the cord will be inserted. All-in-all, this project is simple and could take only a few hours to make even for someone with only basic woodworking skills.
18) The Fold Away Router Table

If you don’t really have much space at your working station then this could be a great design to check out. This is a fold-away router table that you can easily fold away and set up if you need to use the router.
This is made from only a few pieces of wood as you can see and has been cleverly installed along the side of a large workbench or shelf. The table has only a limited space to work in space where the router tip protrudes from. There is no fence and no jig to work with but still, this router table does the job.
Most router table designs featured here have an actual table or cabinet which may be difficult for someone with only basic woodworking knowledge and skills. However, this foldaway table is so easy to make, it could be ready in just a few hours if you have complete materials and tools. Make this your next woodworking project inspiration.
19) $100 Router Table

This is a simple and cheap router table design that costs not more than $100.
The design is very simple. It is a basic table with a large table top for the router table. A small hole has been made in the middle of the table top where the router tip protrudes. The router is fastened with a brace at the bottom with the switch accessible from the front.
A fence was made with two large planks of wood. There is just enough room in the middle to let the router tip move. A dust port can be seen at the back of the router tip where dust can be removed by a shop vac attachment. The fence can be moved back if you need more room to work on.
The table is high with tall table legs and plenty of space to store your tools and router accessories. This is a fairly simple design that you can make from scratch or if you wish, use an old table instead.
20) The Family Handy Man’s Router Table Plans

This is another simple router table design that will show you how to build an actual router table/cabinet from scratch. This table has a fairly large top with enough room to work on. The router tip stays flushed in the middle of the fence with a built-in dust port that can remove dirt and dust that have accumulated as you work.
The fence can be pushed back if necessary to accommodate larger workpieces. The bottom of the table is a huge cabinet that holds the router tool as well as space where you can store your tools and accessories. Other power tools, as well as hand tools plus router accessories and parts, can be safely placed here.
Although this may look a little complicated because of the router cabinet, this design is actually fairly easy. As long as you have all the materials and tools ready, you can construct this in just a week; just in time for your next woodworking project.