Just like other houses, yours may also have limited rooms. This can be a real problem for families whose children are already growing, as it is almost impossible for all of them to fit in a single room and a single bed.
The best solution for this is to make them bunk beds. They may not have their own room, but at least they don’t compete for sleeping space, right?
Here are some nice bunk bed plans that you can also make for your children so that they’ll have a bed that complements with the room design.
1. Hanging Bunk Beds

Most beds (even bunk beds) make use of walls for support. The same is true with this kind of bunk bed.
However, what made this bunk bed unique is that it appears to be hanging. That’s because it only has one beam to support both beds and is pushed to the wall so that it is stable.
There’s no need to worry, though, as those who made this bunk bed plan ensured that it is indeed stable.
Another great thing about this bunk bed plan is that it also had some style to it. This is because of the edge rail and ladder that looks like it was made from old pipes.
The unique style of the ladder and edge rail, and its seemingly hanging look definitely deserves a spot in this list.
2. No Ladder Bunk Bed

One possible problem that can be encountered for bunk beds is that the ladder is placed on the sides. This only means that it can only be positioned on one side of the room so that it can be used.
But what if you already have your things on that side of the room where it is supposed to be placed? This will force you to move stuff so that your bed can be accommodated.
With this bed, that problem is already solved! That’s because the beams of the bunk bed double as the ladder!
With this kind of bed, you can place it on any side of the room. No more “relocation” of your stuff just so you can use the ladder.
Being made of wood, this bunk bed is sturdy and will surely not create squeaking sounds when changing your sleeping position.
3. Loft-Style Bunk Bed

For families with girls, this loft-style bunk bed is preferable. They feel like “princesses in a high tower” with this kind of bed.
Another great benefit of a loft-style bed is that it is easier to climb. From this photo, it’s easy to see that getting to the top isn’t a problem because the ladder is well-supported.
It also gives the children a play space at the bottom of the bed. If your kid doesn’t have too many toys, it can even be used for her other stuff such as clothes and even school-related materials.
The bed itself is also secured, as it has enough edge rails to prevent your children from falling off while sleeping. The whole bed is also made of wood, which is known for being a sturdy material.
Since the bed frame has a generic look, it can also be used by boys, too!
4. Triple Bunk Beds

Bunk beds are commonly seen having only two beds. But what if you suddenly have a third kid that’s growing up fast and would want to have their own bed?
This is when you’ll need to construct a triple bunk bed.
This bunk bed made use of the available space in the middle of the two bunk beds so that a bed can be installed in it. The initial ladder serves as the beams for that bed, making it sturdy as well.
Even with the addition of the middle bunk bed, the bottom bunk still has enough vertical clearance so that the one using it will not get his head damaged.
This bed is a great option if you can’t afford to buy a bigger bed for your child’s room. There’s also no impression that one is the favorite because he/she is given a separate (or special) bed.
5. Classic Looking Bunk Bed

For those who want to keep things simple and elegant, this bunk bed plan is for you.
The simple design of this bunk bed makes it easy for anyone to make it with the help of the plans found on their website. Even beginners can nail this one in no time because it does not have any elaborate designs.
Another thing to note about this bunk bed is the classic look that it gives. The wood is simply varnished so that it has an “age-old” appeal, making it look like it’s been passed on to you.
The top bunk also has enough protection in case your child rolls around a lot while they sleep. The risk of falling is almost prevented.
The classic look of the bed is also friendly to both boys and girls, as the room wouldn’t look like it’s owned by the opposite gender.
6. Simple and Robust Bunk Bed

Want to DIY but don’t have tools to cut the wood so that it has the right size? Then this bunk bed plan is for you.
In the making of this bunk bed, the maker mentioned that he had the lumber store cut the wood for the size that he needs those to be. This helped him save time and even prevented the risk that goes along with cutting it himself.
He also made sure that the bunk bed is sturdy by making use of screws to bind pieces together. He also glued some parts together along with screwing those for extra protection and a more robust final product.
He also painted the bunk bed so that it will not look plain, which is great if this will be used by his kids. He can even paint it using different colors depending on what his kids prefer!
7. Junior Loft Bed For Younger Children

Many parents don’t consider letting their children sleep in a bunk bed because there is a possibility for them to fall while climbing the stairs. This loft bed plan solves that problem.
In this version of the loft-style bunk bed, the frame is painted to complement what your children want. You can also modify the style in their room so that it somehow follows a theme.
Another good thing about this bed bunk plan is that the ladder itself is secured. This is a great feature for toddlers who would want access to the top bunk.
The bottom space also has a different design compared to usual loft beds. With this bed frame, the bottom space can be made to look like a small playroom for your children.
These features are more than enough for it to be included in this list.
8. Detachable Bunk Beds

Bunk beds are a space saver since they make use of vertical space so that two or more people. But what if there is additional space that the kids can use even if they have separate beds?
With this bunk bed plan, it is now possible to utilize that additional space and let them experience the feeling of having separate beds!
This is a great feature for a bunk bed, as it gives the parents the option to detach them in case the children will be given their own rooms in the future. There’s no need to buy separate beds and make it look like the bunk bed is wasted.
The blocks in the beams serve as ladder steps as well. Even if the actual ladder isn’t attached after the beds are detached and re-attached, the one occupying the top bunk can still get to his space just fine.
9. Loft Bed For Your Princess

Little girls are considered to be princesses in any family. This explains why many families do what they can in order for their child to feel this way – and this includes arranging their room in a certain way.
But one sure way to do this is to build them a “castle” inside their room. Just fashion your kid’s bunk bed to have this look so that their room is fitting for a princess.
This bunk bed has a safer ladder compared to the usual bunk bed ladder. Even a much younger princess will be able to reach the top of their castle and not fall.
The bottom area is also spacious enough for your princess to occupy. It’s as if they really are sleeping inside a castle if the bed happens to be placed in that area.
These features are what made us include it in our list.
10. Triple Bunk Bed Facing Different Directions

This bunk bed plan is not really new. After all, the triple bunk bed has already been mentioned.
However, this bunk bed provides a different look if compared to other triple bunk beds. To those who also want to make a triple bunk bed for their kids, this is one other option that they can consider.
Another thing that is new to this bunk bed plan is that even though it appears to have no beams, it actually does have them while the beds are attached to the wall. This allows the beds (especially the middle and top bunks) to be sturdy.
The middle and top bunks are also protected well thanks to the edge rails installed in them. This will ensure that nobody will fall on the floor while they sleep.
The gap between the bottom and middle bunks can also be used for storage of your kids’ possessions.