Modern Smaller Bunk Beds

42 Bunk Bed DIY Plans


21. A Bunk Bed for a Cramped Space

A Bunk Bed Style For A Cramped Space

Not all rooms are created equal, even if it is found in the same house. While some rooms are spacious, others appear to have cramped spaces after all of your stuff is placed in it.

For this bunk bed plan, the maker teaches us how to still make a bunk bed even if space is quite cramped.

What we like about the tutorial for this bunk bed is that it is short and straight to the point. He skipped on telling the readers about his experiences while making the bed and jumps straight in presenting the measurements and instructions for making the bunk bed.

We also liked his advice on “measuring the wood twice (or even thrice) and cutting it once”. It may not be a good tip, but he sure emphasized the importance of precision so that you won’t waste time in making a bunk bed that doesn’t fit in your available space.

22. Castle Loft-Style Bunk Bed with Multiple Features

Castle Loft Style Bunk Bed With Multiple Features

This bunk bed plan is a more elaborate castle compared to the one that we’ve previously included in the list. Aside from the overall aesthetics of the whole bunk bed, this plan has included a slide at the side!

Another noticeable thing in this bunk bed plan is the wider bottom bunk that can be designed accordingly based on what your daughter prefers to play. The “tower” also has some space that can be used to hold or display stuff.

As for the bed itself, the maker ensured that the top bunk is sturdy by making use of springs to counterbalance its weight. A Murphy bed mechanism is also used so that it will not fall off someone, especially if there are many people in the top bunk waiting to get off the slide.

This elaborate design while ensuring that the children are safe while playing makes it worthy to be part of this list.

23. A Simpler Bunk Bed with Multiple Features

A Simpler Bunk Bed With Multiple Features

If the princesses already have their castle themed loft-style bunk bed, how about for boys?

For families with boys or even daughters who don’t like a fancy-looking bunk bed, this is a bunk bed plan that you can try making for the children. Don’t worry, though, as it functions just the same with the castle bunk bed.

This bed has a simpler look but still has the slide and enough free space at the bottom bunk. The ladders also have enough climbing rails that the children can use to get to the top.

The side (or back) of the ladder serves as extra space that can be used for holding stuff or toys of your kids. This space can hold your kid’s favorite toys or frequently used stuff so that they don’t have to go through a bunch of toys just to find what they like.

24. A Modular Bunk Bed

A Modular Bunk Bed To Fit Your Needs

The maker of this bunk bed referred to his plan as modular. What he means by this is that it can be used in different ways – be it stackable, as two separate beds, as an L-shaped bunk bed, and others.

Another thing that we liked about his bunk bed plan is that he went the extra mile and provided detailed instructions on how others can also make the bunk bed that he has created. Measurements of all panels as well as a step-by-step instruction are helpful especially for beginners.

The pictures for every phase of the project are also shared. With this guide, it’s almost impossible that anyone won’t be able to follow how this bunk bed is made.

His detailed explanation and unique modular bunk bed truly deserve to be featured in this list.

25. A Bunk Bed for the Minimalist

A Bunk Bed For The Minimalist

Not all people focus on the aesthetics of their bunk bed. For some, their focus is on making a bunk bed that is sturdy and easy to make even if it has a different look.

For this plan, it’s easy to see that the maker stripped off any designs and instead focused on making a usable bed.

What made this bunk bed stand out despite the lack of aesthetics is that it can be detached and become two separate beds. Just remove the top bunk, and flip over the bottom bunk and place the mattress at the top.

The bottom part of the bunk, when made as a double deck, is in the floor. This eliminates the difficulty in cleaning under the bed or reaching out for things under it.

This bunk bed plan is great for growing boys, as they have the strength to get up the top bunk with little assistance.

26. A Bunk Bed with Just One Leg!

A Bunk Bed With Just One Leg

Most bunk beds are made with four legs in mind. But did you know that it is possible to make a bunk bed that only has one leg?

The creator of this bunk bed proved that his plan can work, as it made use of the room’s corner so that it can fully support the whole bed. Being attached to the wall, one cannot question its sturdiness; in fact, the website where the instructions can be found even showed someone trying to budge the whole bed, but it didn’t break!

Another thing that we like about this creation is that the instructions he provided are easy to understand. Even beginners can understand the instructions, follow the plan, and still get great results.

All of these are more than enough for this creation to be part of this list.

27. A Bunk Bed or a Bus?

A Bunk Bed Or A Bus

For families with boys who have a liking for cars, this bunk bed plan is for you. Yes, it does look like a bus or van, but your child will sure appreciate this anyway.

Aside from its great look, one can also be assured that this will be a sturdy bunk bed. After all, the size already speaks on the amount of wood that needs to be used in order to make this.

One good thing about this van-themed bunk bed is that it has a spacious bottom bunk. The bottom bunk can serve as both a playing and sleeping area.

The top bunk is also secured just the same. Regardless of the side where its occupants roll, he/she will not fall.

The detailed instructions on the website where the bunk bed plan is found are also important for anyone who wants to copy this same style.

28. Loft-Style Bunk Bed for Aspiring Firefighters

Loft Style Bunk Bed For Aspiring Firefighters

For young boys that show interest in becoming a firefighter one day, this is a good bunk bed plan for their room.

Since this is a loft-style bunk bed, it has a spacious bottom part that your kid can enjoy along with his friends or other relatives. And if somebody needs an extra sleeping space, this same area can accommodate a bed.

The top bunk also has an elaborate design, as it is fashioned to look like a fire truck ladder. Your kid will surely feel that they are on top of the fire truck.

The ladder and top bunks are also secure for children, as significantly-sized ladder steps and side rails are in this bed.

This unique take on the loft-style bunk bed is enough for this bunk bed plan to be listed here.

29. Converting The Crib Into a Loft Bed

Converting The Crib Into A Loft Bed

Once your infant grows into a toddler, they won’t appreciate sleeping in a crib. However, you can still make them do this by simply converting the crib and make it look like a loft bed.

Since this bunk bed plan uses the crib as its body, parents do not need to spend too much just to make this. They might need a few materials, but all they need to spend significantly on this project is their time.

Cribs naturally have side rails, and it is made to withstand any movement from the toddler while sleeping, making this material inherently safe for them. The ladder also has few steps in it, and your kid will not have any problems climbing these if they are already going outside and climbing in the slide.

As a money-saving project that can make your kids physically stronger and even independent, this loft bed has to be on this list.

30. A Simplistic Loft Bunk Bed

A Simplistic Loft Bunk Bed

Loft beds are often designed by parents to match the theme that they want for their kids (or what the children want for their room). In this bunk bed plan, we are taken back to basics and will show us the beauty of a loft bed even without too many details.

What’s great about this bunk bed plan is that both children have enough space not just for sleeping but also for their stuff. The spaces in the ladder serve as shelves where both occupants can arrange their toys or other possessions.

The ladder also has enough space for any feet size, and small children will not find it difficult to climb on it.

Although the website does not provide detailed instructions on how to make this bunk, they are generous enough with photos. This will allow anyone to compare if what they’re doing is the same with what’s in the photo.