61) Step-by-Step Free Shed
Living in the 21st century has posed a tremendous responsibility on all of us as inhabitants of this planet Earth to think of ways of utilizing reclaimed materials whenever possible. But apart from being environmental-friendly, scavenged materials are also extremely affordable.

We were more than delighted to come across the building of this step-by-step free shed, and the reason it is called a free one is that you can also manage to construct yours with little to no money at all, depending mostly on your determination. Nevertheless, priceless tips about the materials you can find and utilize are also part of the detailed video tutorial, and we love it.
62) Quick-to-Build Pallet Playhouse Shed
We think this quick-to-build pallet playhouse shed makes a beautiful addition to this list, as it can be accomplished even by the newbie DIYers with ease and confidence.

The average costs of the building materials are estimated at approximately $150. When it comes to the tools you will need, these include a hammer, nails, screw bar, and a saw. The video tutorial is made extremely easy-to-digest and explains all the steps in a pleasant, funny, and useful way.
What more could we possibly want from a DIY shed plan? The average time it will take you to complete this cute shed is just a single weekend but if you are experienced working with wood, you can finish the build within a single day.
The Bottom Line
Whether you are looking for a firewood shed, pallets shed, bike shed, easy DIY shed or a more intricately designed shed; affordable shed or extraordinary shed with incredible design decisions, we hope to have inspired you with the abundance of shed plans we compiled for you.
A shed is so much than simply an extra storage space, as it helps you put an order in your life as a DIYer. If you enjoyed reading this article as much as we enjoyed creating it, don’t forget to give us some love by sharing and liking this piece, so that we can contaminate more DIY buddies to build the shed of their dreams.